Tuesday, April 10, 2007

EON Lead generation

Market Segments



Lead Generation

Leads from Google Campaign advertising



Leads from Viral Marketing YouTube, EonExperience, mass e-mails, newsletters



Existing Customers - Repeat sales - NEW EON Offers: New Products, EE presence, Second Life, Exhibit presence


Marly's Education leads



Personal Contacts from the past - Repeat sales - NEW EON Offers: New Products, EE presence, Second Life, Exhibit presence


"Sniper" Target TradeShows Exbiting Companies- EON participation & Co investment



Partners contacts IDC locations



Partners contacts "Go to Market" Exhibit firms, PR, Web , Ad firms, Audio Video



U.S. Commercial Service for IDC Candidates outside US



Governers Office & State Org for IDC Candidates inside US



Existing Prospects (CRM, Outlook, Linked in, Bus cards, CRM)



Leads from Participation at TradeShows



Partners contacts "Go to Market" Tech firms - Microsoft Vista, Toshiba



Leads from EON Newsletters (8000 subscribers)



3d companies that work with Second life or have an Island on Second Life (addidas, GM, Toyota) - offer a higher end 3D EON based solution for tradeshows and corporate high end marketing as an upsale to their Second Life launch (dealerships, configurators, ESA, conventions, HQ, laptops) a. Washington-based Electric Sheep Co.,- Paul Itkin,b. New York's Aimee Weber Studio, Paul Itkin c. Sausalito (Calif.)-based. London's Rivers Run Red



Leads from Articles about EON - get the PR Going



Linked In - empl at Top 20 target custom in target markets



Net working - Speaches at target market asooc & mtgs



Partners contacts VARs, Solution partners, agents



Partners contacts IDC Partner companies: Christie, HP, NVIDIA



Partners contacts "Go to Market" Consulting firms, accenture,IBM etc



Proactive Review of News Google about VR & Interactive 3d



Leads from NEWS & Media about Target Companies with Co investment Pilot Offer



Leads from Non competing Peers or their VAR (UGS, Pro/E, Catia etc)



"Sniper" target markets top 20 customers - Hoover - E-mail, cold calling



Internet Search on how to generate leads, Sales books etc



Leads from Google Search on VR & Interactive 3d



Leads from Competitors



Contact Academic institutions that use Second life and offer EON SBL upgrades like Dartmouth College View Slide Show - Marly




Saturday, April 7, 2007

EON Reality Updated Info

EON Reality

EON Reality, Inc. is the world's leading interactive three-dimensional (3D) visual content management and Virtual Reality software provider. Its powerful, breakthrough technology enables users to experience more by revolutionizing the way companies leverage their digital assets throughout the product lifecycle. EON’s Virtual Reality software tools and applications, including Interactive Product Content Management (IPCM), Simulation-Based Learning (SBL), Augmented Tele Presence (ATP) and Rich Media Publishing (RMP) users are able to create realistic and authentic product experiences based on 3D visualization technology, delivering versatile productivity to the aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, retail, defense, education and medical sectors. Companies including Suzuki, Siemens, John Deere, Atlas Copco, Toyota, Tetra Pak, Boeing, Bombardier, Intel, Peterbilt, Lexus, Whirlpool, Honeywell, GE Healthcare and Stryker, use EON solutions to enhance the interactive user experience to effectively increase sales, better communicate product functionality and decrease the cost of service, training and technical support

Founded in 1999, EON Reality is a privately held US corporation based in Irvine,
California. The Company is the world's leading interactive three-dimensional visual
content management software provider. Its software tools and applications give
enterprises the ability to create realistic and authentic product experiences based on 3D
visualization technology, which fosters a direct and intuitive interaction with real-world
perspectives of a product in its designated, natural context. The Company’s software
adds significant value to marketing, sales, training, and product planning operations by
allowing the enterprise to effectively capitalize on existing investments in product
lifecycle management (PLM). Utilizing 3D informatics increases product sales and
marketing event retention, while reducing design, maintenance, service and training

The Company’s underlying technology platform is based on more than eleven years of
R&D and delivers complete 3D visualization and virtual reality features for Interactive
Product Content Management (IPCM) and Simulation-Based Learning (SBL). EON
offers cutting-edge visualization performance, seamless enterprise-level data exchange,
and a highly flexible, scalable deployment publishing format and software architecture.

EON Reality’s vision is to revolutionize the way global companies leverage the use of
their digital assets throughout the product life cycle. Its unique visualization technology
can be leveraged beyond enterprise sales and marketing and into telecommunications,
media, and entertainment. As a result, in 2006 EON significantly expanded its operations
in the area of Augmented Tele Presence (which allows mixed reality distance
communication), Rich Media Publishing, and Location Based Experiences.

In addition to its headquarters in Irvine, EON has a development office in Gothenburg,
Sweden, and sales and support offices in Chicago, IL, Newark, NJ, Valencia, Spain,
Lund, Sweden, Manchester UK, Tokyo, Japan and Melbourne, Australia. The Company
currently has resellers and support staff in more than 20 countries. It has distributed more
than 200,000 personal edition licenses and has systems installations in more than 25

The global interactive 3D market has surged to US$43 billion in sales during 2003 and is
expected to grow to US$77 billion by 2007.1 The growth reflects growing global
acceptance of interactive 3D and Virtual Reality as mainstream technologies in industry,
education, training, and research. Within the broader 3D/VR market, the IPCM and SBL
segments are expected to grow rapidly over the coming years, leveraging large
repositories of existing 2D and 3D CAD digital assets while taking advantage of
decreasing hardware costs for Interactive 3D and immersive installations. IPCM and SBL
will continue to become a more integral part of PLM strategies.

The global interactive 3D market trends are especially strong in EON’s emerging growth
areas, Rich Media Publishing and Location Based Experiences.

• IBM, Google & Microsoft have indicated that “a 3D internet” will be a critical
element of Web 3.0
o For example, an IBM spokesman recently said, “IBM hopes to help drive
and build out the next generation Internet, one that is open, immersive,
and 3D”
o IBM and EON are in active discussions exploring collaborating in this
• The video game industry is fueling and setting the 3D expectations with new
technologies for Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360
• Amusement parks like Disney are in discussions with EON to develop new,
highly innovative 3D application projects
• TelePresence is becoming mainstream – Cisco, HP, IBM are all launching
mainstream TelePresence solutions that need EON’s tele-immersion component
• Many large corporations and governments involved in the hospitality, mall &
gambling industries are in discussion with EON to create $2-10 million
Experience and Discovery Centers based on 3D experiences
With its extensive technology and product base as well as its proven ability to deliver
working ROI-based solutions and customer value, EON Reality is well positioned to
immediately benefit from sales, marketing and support organizations' increased adoption
of IPCM and SBL as well as address these new growth markets. EON Reality can fully
deliver on the requirements of market-driven organizations, and, with its products playing
a central role in its customers' business processes, stands to maintain and further advance
its leadership position in delivering the richest, most powerful IPCM and SBL
applications available.

Interactive Product Content Management (IPCM) IPCM offers a simple process to reuse and expand existing 3D digital assets developed for design in to marketing, sales, planning and support functions applications. IPCM creates customer-centric ROI-based solutions that translate static product content to interactive 3D, smart digital assets.. They also provide a clear link to existing enterprise solutions provided by companies such as SAP, Oracle and Siebel. The applications combine customer validated sales and marketing functionality with an easy-to-use 3D authoring environment and an extensive support for various publishing formats from the Internet to Immersive Stereoscopic Displays. EON Reality is the inventor of the IPCM segment. Even non-technical users can enjoy simple EON based tools that address their corporate needs. Key Software Products include:
EON Server
EON Sales Assistant
EON Space Planner
EON Professional

IPCM, EON’s largest market at present, has emerged in the wake of the mass adoption of computer-aided design (CAD) and product lifecycle management (PLM) technology in recent decades. While CAD and PLM facilitate the engineering and design of large, complex products and buildings such as airplanes, trucks, and power plants, their 2D design content is fundamentally limited. This data is linear, non-interactive, and cannot be used in many emerging 3D visualization contexts such as the Internet, laptops, auto stereo displays, multi-wall environments, and 3D stereoscopic screens.

IPCM takes static design data and brings it to life, transforming it into interactive 3D
content for communicating sales, technical information, marketing highlights and
complex support procedures. It can efficiently take data from a single source and
repurpose it in a variety of display contexts, such as the Internet, on a billboard, on a
large screen in a tradeshow, or in an immersive room. IPCM allows enterprises to
capitalize on investments in engineering design to increase sales productivity, and to
reduce documentation, support and training costs.

Moreover, IPCM enables a host of applications that integrate 3D visualization into sales,
marketing, and training workflow. For example, a 3D visualization and sales tool such
as EON Sales Assistant offers 3D product configuration coupled with a financial
estimation engine, sales performance tracking, and customized marketing material

Simulation-Based Learning (SBL) is a simulation/virtual reality-based training solution that brings the power and versatility of advanced, high-end simulation technology to the PC platform and the Internet, effectively moving users from “e-learning” to “s-learning”. EON Reality is one of the leading innovators of the SBL segment. Key Software Products include:
· EON Professional
· EON Studio
· EON Server

SBL represents the
next evolutionary stage of e-learning, where learning is conducted with a computer and
benefits from the interactivity of an online environment. While e-learning has heretofore
depended on visualization in 2D, SBL creates interactive 3D visualization applications
for educational experiences that dramatically enhance learning and knowledge transfer.
The SBL market ranges from education for community colleges and technical education
programs to training for plant maintenance, product support, and other visual

A visual example in which SBL facilitates training for a
nuclear power plant in South Korea. A visual configurator allowed students to rotate any
location inside the plant on any axis to view from any angle, zoom in on key features and
detail, pan across the screen to highlight features, and interact with components in their
natural environment. In this example, SBL dramatically improved productivity and
reduced costs by 90% compared to past training that relied on static, 2D images and
materials that lacked visual interactivity.

EON Display Systems integrate EON software and Virtual Reality applications with a variety of display systems to provide state-of-the-art products and solutions for immersive and stereoscopic viewing, from portable wireless PC’s and Glasses-free Stereo display systems to curved-screen and Immersive Rooms consisting of multi-channel projection walls. The EON software tools are seamlessly integrated with a wide range of display systems, giving customers with a unique flexibility to publish content. EON Reality is one of the leading innovators of the VR Display segment. EON Reality offers the following turn-key systems:
Glass free Stereo Display - EON Artificial I™
Desktop VR - Desktop Reality System
Head-mounted VR - Immersive Reality™ System
Projection wall - EON ICATCHER™ System
Portable 3D – EON Icatcher Mini™ System
Curved Screen - Concave Reality System
Immersive Room - EON ICUBE™ System
Immersive Telepresence EON Ipresence™ System
Touch Free Interaction, EON Touchlight™ System

EON’s software offerings are compatible with virtually all methods of 3D display. The
Company’s technology is distinguished not only by its ability to convert over 120
different 2D/3D formats into interactive 3D objects, but also by its ability to display these
objects through many commercially available technologies. EON software can export 3D
images to multiple formats, including PowerPoint and PDF, as well as to a wide range of
digital display devices. Its solutions integrate with advanced display technologies that
allow users to have interactive, immersive 3D experiences. EON is revolutionizing the
interactive screen displays for trade shows, signage and billboard market by providing an
unprecedented level of interaction with displayed media.

EON’s software was designed to optimize 3D experiences on current and next-generation
displays. 3D display technology varies widely in method and visual quality, but the
Company has integrated its software with many technologies to provide a comprehensive
line that allows clients to utilize the best display technology for their specific needs.
EON’s advanced display solutions are able to enhance a broad array of business
processes, sales and marketing activities, communications, and teaching procedures.

EON Artificial-I
• Auto stereoscopic – no eyewear
is required
• Multiple viewers at a time
• Can switch between 3D and 2D
• Enhanced graphics engine for
high quality 3D effect
• Fully interactive real-time 3D experience

EON Icatcher
• Immersive stereoscopic
display solution that uses LCD
or DLP projectors together with
EON software
• Intuitive, real-time interaction
• Realistic 3D imagery that is
responsive to the user's action

EON I-Crystal & EON I- Presence
• EON I-Crystal is a Holographic
Communications Display where
3D objects float in space
• Tele-Presence device that
combines video and VR
• Videoconferencing option for
remote meetings integrated with

EON Concave
• Immersive, concave
stereoscopic display that uses
LCD or DLP projectors
together with EON software
• Intuitive, real-time interaction
with front or rear projected
single or multiple screens
• Realistic 3D imagery that is
responsive to the user's action, and can display multiple
objects or a full environment.

• Multi-sided immersive environment (3, 4
or 6 walls), participants are surrounded
by virtual imagery and 3D sound.
• Objects float in 3D space can be touched
and manipulated by users, and can be a
altered in real-time..
• Easy to use even for non-programmers
with speed of immersive content creation
and deployment

EON Touchlight™
· Novel touch screen technology that provides
a natural and intuitive bare hand interaction
with 3d objects.
• Image processing to combine the output of
2 cameras and a semi-transparent plane.
• The resulting image shows objects that are
on the plane.
• High bandwidth surface for
virtual imagery and 3D sound
gesture-based interaction
• Objects float in 3D space and
can be touched and manipulated
by users in real-time

Augmented Tele Presence (ATP) offers mixed-reality distance communication. ATP enables the long-distance transmission of life-size, Interactive 3D environments and Virtual Reality that seamlessly merge with live High Definition video. EON Reality is the inventor of the ATP segment. Products include:
Immersive Telepresence EON Ipresence™ System
Touch Free Interaction, EON Touchlight™ System
Virtual Presenter, EON Holopodium™ System

New technologies are allowing people to move away from purely physical
communication to “augmented/mixed” reality communication and interaction.
Augmented Tele-Presence is the real-time display of 3D information and images that
assists and enhances collaboration and interaction. Enhanced visualization will become
ubiquitous, as it will provide added contextual
information to functions like communication, product
development and R&D, and medical imaging.
Augmented Tele-Presence will allow users to reduce
travel costs, enhance presentations, enable hands-on
experience and customization of products, and provide
contextually relevant information.
ATP will utilize many technologies that EON has or is currently developing: immersive
3D displays and superimposed live video and intuitive interaction techniques like EON I-
Presence, EON Touchlight, and EON Virtual Presenter.

EON Rich Media Publishing leverages the world’s largest online interactive 3D experience-streaming service and 3D library to transform static two-dimensional presentation tools into interactive 3D professional- and user-generated experiences on line. Current and Planned Products include:
EON Space Planner
EON Sales Assistant
EON Human Creator
EON Visualizer
EON Coliseum (Planned)
EON Experience Creator (Planned)
EON I-Search (Planned)

Rich Media Publishing presents a significant growth opportunity for EON. Advances in
hardware and 3D software like EON’s will let end-users experience 3D visualizations
across a scope that was impossible in the past due to constraints in technology. 3D
visualization will serve as a foundation for advances in e-commerce displays, as websites will be able to overcome the distinct advantage that “brick-and-mortar” stores have by providing visual and auditory sensory feedback that is comparable to reality, and, on a long-term horizon, touch and smell. As examples, photorealistic 3D catalogues and dynamic 3D interfaces will let consumers customize clothes to body types, choose parts and accessories for cars, and visualize finished products while they are still on the drawing board. 3D visualization on the web is growing rapidly - EON’s own plug-in has been downloaded over 36 million times since being released in 2001.

Beyond the Internet, 3D imagery will be able to be integrated into other media like
PowerPoint and multimedia presentations. EON’s latest product, Dali, will utilize the
integration of 3D with the web to provide users with an intuitive interface that supports
drag and drop functionality for 3D viewing, exploration, 3D materials, 3D object and
environment libraries, 3D sound, configuration and interaction, and animation
capabilities. Along these lines, the web will offer enormous possibilities for the use of
emerging visual search technologies to access and develop 3D object repositories that can be used by developers to create rich media content. Matthew Brennesholtz of Insight Media (2006) notes that much of the source material for content that is displayed in 2D
today actually exists in 3D, but due to display limitations is not taken advantage of (most
computer games and graphics, for example, exist in 3D).

Experience Discovery Centers (EDC) and Edutainment Solutions

As an extension of location-based display solutions (for example, kiosks at trade shows
or rides at amusement parks), the market for more advanced, immersive 3D experiences
in education and discovery will grow. EDC requires the integration of hardware,
software and services to create next-generation 3D environments that will enhance
learning and entertainment experiences. The Company’s existing experience in
executing large-scale integration projects put it at the forefront of the EDC market. EON
software and its holographic and large immersive displays will let participants visit
different places, times, and people while interacting with their 3D environment in real

EON Studio

EON Studio is an Authoring tool for developing interactive 3D applications.
Operating EON Studio requires
no programming experience, and it rapidly and easily develops interactive 3D
applications. Studio has been deployed in marketing operations to give consumers visual access to products that they would otherwise not be able to see. For example, it allows a user to compare how a car would look with a variety of features, colors, or accessories.

EON Professional

EON Professional is an Authoring tool for developing advanced interactive 3D applications. EON Professional supports over 120 native CAD and 3D/2D formats and allows users to create more complex simulations. The solution allows users to create content with a higher level of realism using real-time visual effects, and install plug in modules to simulate more advanced conditions. For instance, a physics module allows users to simulate complex mechanical systems in real time, and a human module provides moving humans for EON applications. EON Professional allows users to create both IPCM and SBL applications tailored to specific functional needs.


EON SDK is a Software Development Kit for developing advanced interactive 3D applications based on the .NET architecture and enables the creation of custom EON features. Using Microsoft Visual C++, developers can create customized EON Studio modules and nodes that can be license-protected.

EON Server

The patent pending EON Server is a modular server-
based service for distribution and tracking of EON
content over the Internet or for managing large product
repositories. The server combines two systems based on
proprietary technologies: EON Dynamic Load, which is
designed to handle the distribution of large files, and
EON Track, which tracks user interaction with databases,
to allow users to rapidly distribute the large amounts of
digital data required to support 3D visualization. The EON Server’s monitoring
capabilities enable the tracking of user interaction data and database information usage.

EON Sales Assistant

EON Sales Assistant is a complete sales
and configuration-authoring tool that
creates a visually driven sales process
coupled with financial estimation engine,
sales performance tracking, and quote and
customized brochure generation
capabilities. The product enables a
customer to select and configure a product
of their choice in full 3D, allowing them to
interact with a product by zooming,
rotating, panning, and adding or removing

EON Planner

Planner is an application framework that
allows customers to visualize their
complete product environment and
appropriate configuration of products.
The framework is comprised of CAD
import/export functions, a 3D product
catalogue, 2D/3D layout, distance
measurement, configuration and layout
planning, and generation of bills of
materials and quotes.

EON Raptor

Raptor is an 3dsmax plug-in that allows web developers and web page viewers to display
and interact with 3ds Max content in real-time. Since its introduction in 1999, the web
based EON Viewer has been downloaded over 36 million times.


EONExperience is an online Interactive 3D Experience streaming service and library that
allows users to experience and share 3D Experiences. The rising popularity of 3D,
internet-based gaming like Linden Lab’s “Second Life” represents a significant growth
opportunity that leverages EON’s core competencies. EONExperience’s capabilities
allow users to quickly create and search for 3D objects in order to interact in an internet-
based 3D environment. The Company’s existing authoring tools and applications will
allow corporate clients the ability to integrate their existing 3D marketing collateral into
the EONExperience environment.

EON Dali (Release in Q2 2007)

Dali is EON’s latest 3D content editing tool, optimized for use with the Windows Vista
operating system. The latest kernel offers an intuitive interface and access to a large
web-based 3D repository of items that will allow all levels of users to create rich 3D
content. The product harnesses EON’s leading-edge technologies and combines them in a user-friendly, web-connected application that will extend the ease of use of 3D
imagery. It features advanced functionality such as visual search of objects and
components, a 3D object and environment library, 3D sound, configuration and
interaction, and animation.


Authoring Tools

EON’s authoring tools offer three solutions to address different levels of user
sophistication. The Company’s authoring and application products have been validated
by substantial user adoption, and its long track record of success in the marketplace has
enabled EON to refine its product offerings and position itself as the technology and
market leader in 3D visualization software. Importantly, the Company’s products are
able to convert over 120 2D/3D design formats into 3D images. EON’s authoring tools
and back-end software form a comprehensive platform that enables users to create,
display, and manipulate 3D content.

There is substantial market demand for a more effective medium to convey product
information for marketing, sales, merchandising, support, service and training. While
manufacturers, distributors and retailers in all industry segments each have unique
requirements, all have a common need for improved and integrated communication tools.
The EON Product solution works for manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and any
organization that provides product support, service and training.


Companies choose the interactive 3D solution from EON Reality to expand sales by
bringing their products to life and by giving users the opportunity to visualize and interact
with complete product combinations. Through the use of EON Reality's solutions an end-
user can:

• See and explore a product in 3D from any angle or zoom perspective
• Try in real time the product's functionality as well as interact with and configure
its features
• Buy the product in the selected configuration and obtain service and support
information after the purchase
EON Reality's solutions help manufacturers in the sales process by augmenting product
specifications and information available throughout their distribution chain. For OEM's
with large, complex components, EON’s sales solution helps customers and distributors
visually understand configuration options and technical specifications. In addition,
product development cycles are shortened as EON objects can be used to pre-sell
products before full production begins. And companies can enhance their marketing
power on the web with better visual presentation of their products.

Support and Training

EON software is extensively used to build simulation-based 3D distance learning
applications. The main application area within e-learning is basic skills training in which,
for example, an assembly or maintenance sequence can be learned or re-freshened over
the Internet instead of training on the actual product. Also, hazardous training and service
areas such as nursing and banking have been successfully implemented using EON.
Besides the interactive 3D component, EON also tracks what a student is actually doing
within the training environment.

The game-like training environment provided by EON significantly increases the
engagement of students compared to traditional training methods, thereby motivating
students to perform and learn faster.

EON’s applications feature enhanced capabilities for the creation of interactive training
applications, both for instruction, practice and assessment. Simulations can contain a high
level of interactivity, giving students a realistic experience. EON Training base contains,
for example, nodes for assembly/disassembly, instructions in text or audio and evaluation
of performance. Furthermore, additional nodes can create sequential courses of events.

Companies gain a significant competitive advantage using the EON solution to lower
product-related training, maintenance and support costs. The advantages of EON
applications include:

• Automating redundant FAQs
• Providing 24/7 maintenance information
o Customers and support staff can use EON to access user-directed
maintenance and repair instructions that describe and visually demonstrate
important information
• Decreasing customer support requirements
o Interactive visual images with full product functionality provide assembly
instructions and product use information with less need for help from
customer service personnel
• Decreasing product returns
o EON applications ensure that customers order the right product and the
right configuration
EON support and training applications include:

• Customer training through interactive manuals and training applications
• Internal training of maintenance personnel, sales and support staff as well as
assembly line training
• Training of service and support staff through scenario-based problem solving,
online support, interaction with digital products
The advantages of EON applications in support and training include:

• Up to 55% time and cost reduction compared to classroom training
• Up to 80% time and cost reduction compared to on the job training
• Examples of 25% increased retention and skills transfer compared with classroom
• Close to real experiences rather than just theory
• Repetition and assessment
• Safe and realistic hazardous situation training
• 24 hour accessibility
-20 - Confidential

Maintenance and Repair

EON applications allow users to see, inspect, test, and understand a wide range of
important product information including operating instructions, maintenance and repair
procedures in realistic interactive 3D. Advantages of utilizing EON applications include:

• Easy integration into existing IT systems and internet channels
• Accurate and complete product information
o Digital images of products contain all characteristics of the actual objects
including behavior, textures, functionality and other information
• Compact file size
o Object geometry is optimized to allow for Internet use and fast distribution
whether browsing through a product manual, walking through a virtual
showroom, getting detailed specifications, or seeing how the products
actually work and interacting with them
• Tracking of user interaction
o Companies are able to monitor how product information is used for
maintenance, repair and product support
• Drill down learning
o EON solutions include features such as "mousing over" or right click
activation of the product information database to provide additional levels
of product information
• 24/7 availability
o EON provides secure, 24/7 access to detailed product support information
in real time

Interactive Digital Centers

EON has found that the visual nature of its solutions demand in-person experiences to
maximize sales potential. As a result, EON has created a new business model whereby it
partners with local organizations to build visualization centers known as Interactive
Digital Centers (“IDC’s”). To develop IDC’s, EON partners with local organizations
that bring:

• Understanding of the local market
• Quality technical resources plus the main expertise in focus areas such as IPCM
or SBL
• Management and administration capacity
• Facilities and network access
• 50% of the capital required for start-up and operation of the IDC
In return, EON offers its partners:

• A proven business concept
• Customer network and contacts with potential development projects
• Training and educational material
• Technology transfer
• State of the art software for IDC
• Necessary IPCM hardware
• System integration knowledge
• Experience from development of new software applications
• 50% of the capital required for the start-up investment and operation of the IDC
IDC’s accomplish a variety of goals:

• Put partner’s region on the map as an international leader in visualization
• Attract key international visualization players to the region
• Create new quality IT jobs in visualization
• Create new direct revenue opportunities by attracting projects in IPCM, SBL, and
other areas
• Create awareness of EON’s products that generates leads and sales outside the


Recent technological developments have triggered rapid growth in the market for
interactive, 3D visualization technologies. Hardware has both improved in performance
and become considerably cheaper. Software now supports real-time and interactive 3D
visualization technologies across a variety of applications for both the consumer and the
enterprise. According to technology leader Intel, interactive 3D’s transformative power:

“Lets you examine and manipulate objects in ways not possible with two
dimensions, enabling the opportunity to deliver innovative new products
and services that go above and beyond the traditional two-dimensional

Due to the wide scope of visualization across industries and within organizations in areas
such as product development, communications, marketing, and training, the emergence of
3D visualization technologies will leave no organizations unaffected in coming years.
After a lengthy period during which expensive and slow hardware restricted broad
deployment of 3D applications, the market for interactive 3D has finally arrived.
However, it is highly fragmented and unevenly deployed across industries and within
organizations. Industries that utilize 3D in their production processes, like heavy
manufacturing and medical imaging, have been fast adopters of 3D technology. On the
other hand, sales and marketing, communications, and educational organizations are just
beginning to tap the benefits of 3D visualization processes. Advances in technology have
made interactive 3D a viable, cost-effective workflow enhancement. These market
statistics illustrate the growing penetration of 3D environments:

• The global interactive 3D market was $43 billion in sales in 2003 and is expected
to grow to $77 billion by 20074
• Second Life, the 3D virtual world created by Linden Labs, has surged from
105,000 users in December, 2005, to 2 million as of December 14, 2006
• Sharp has sold three million cell phones with 3D screens in Japan since 2003
• 3D displays will see sales to the private sector rise to 8.1 million units in 2010, up
by more than a factor of four from 2 million in 20035
The growth in interactive 3D reflects growing global acceptance of interactive 3D and
virtual reality as mainstream technologies in specific applications across industry,
education, training, and research.

While displays and related hardware components are key components of the emerging 3D
ecosystem, software is equivalently critical to the mass adoption of interactive 3D
technology. Functional, usable software is necessary to create 3D content and publish it
content across the numerous display technologies in use. In particular, software can
leverage the extensive libraries of 2D content held in enterprises, research institutions,
and other organizations by transforming it from static 2D data into dynamic 3D content
for publishing and interactive applications.

3 http://www.intel.com/technology/systems/3D/
4 Market for Visual Simulation/Virtual Reality Systems, Insight Media,
5 iSuppli/Stanford Resources

General description – IDC_0307.ppt (225 MB), please see EON Sales FTP in the Presentation folder. This is the Dan’s latest presentation Concrete IDC. (It is also on the sales server/Presentations.)
Equipment specification proposal, IDC Equipment specification.doc (4 MB) – please see EON Sales FTP in the IDC folder (It is also on the sales server/EON IDC folder.)

EDC presentation - http://www.eonreality.com/files/presentation/EDC.pdf (6 MB)

DTC - please see EON Sales FTP in the Decision Theater Center – DTC folder (It is also on the sales server/EON DTC folder.)
DTC main solution detail proposal - DTC main Display solution detailed proposal (2 MB)
DTC Overview Presentation - DTC_equipment.ppt (34 MB)
DTC movie - http://www.eoncollaborate.com/login/videos/video_arizona_decision_center.wmv (102 MB)

Marketing material
Product - http://www.eonreality.com/eon-products.html
Case studies - http://www.eonreality.com/eon-case_studies.html
Demos - http://www.eonreality.com/eon-demos.html
Brochures - http://www.eonreality.com/support/eon-brochures.html

3D visualization Objects in the real world are three dimensional, possessing width, length and depth. Photography and other digital media flatten objects in the process of capturing their images, creating two-dimensional representations. Most media today operate in 2D; however, software and hardware advances enable conversion of digital assets into three-dimensional objects, constructing a life-like “virtual reality” where collections of 3D objects are used to simulate real life. See Wikipedia

EON Reality’s products EON Reality products and services that fall into one of four categories: Interactive Product Content Management (IPCM), Augmented Tele Presence (ATP), Rich Media Publishing (RMP) and Simulation-based Learning (SBL) and Location Based Experiences (LBE).

EON Reality technology
EON Reality solutions employ software algorithms to create 3D objects and worlds from vector-based object data. The proprietary process extracts 3D CAD data and overlays software algorithms that create realistic 3D interactive models within minutes.

How are 3D virtualization and Virtual Reality technologies used?
Currently, 3D virtualization and Virtual Reality technologies are used throughout the product lifecycle, in simulation-based learning environments and entertainment. EON Reality offers solutions that enable users to quickly and easily create immersive environments for simulation-based learning, customization of existing products and conceptualization of new products.

Is the technology only useful in video games and entertainment?
Although the video game and entertainment industries have been early adopters, the principles of 3D are useful across many different sectors, and the applications of which we have just begun to explore.

Which markets does the company target?
EON Reality works with companies in the aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, retail, defense, education, experience based entertainment and medical sectors.

How have innovations in technology improved the 3D experience?
Substantial improvements in the areas of graphics processing, 3D display technologies, Internet bandwidth, computer mobility and widespread use of 3D solid modeling and high quality EON interactive 3D software and applications have enabled us to simulate products and environments that are virtually indistinguishable from the real world.

EON Reality differentiators?


The software can display complex 3D imagery across multiple publishing formats.
Imagery can be displayed on immersive 3D stereo displays, kiosks and Web sites, without losing visual quality.
Simple Data Transfer
EON’s software supports more than 120 native formats, including 55 CAD formats.
Enables conversion of almost all CAD and 3D design data to interactive 3D.
High Visual Quality

EON’s software employs pixel/vertex shaders, real-time reflections, shadows, light maps and other advanced visual characteristics.
Constructs highly realistic objects and imagery, creating real-world experiential environments.
Fast Development
Visual programming and re-usable frameworks.
Complex simulation scenarios and configurators can be created quickly.
Physics-based Simulation
Objects and system behavior are modeled using calculations based on Newtonian laws of physics.
Humans and mobile objects’ movements are highly realistic.
Large Data Capacity
Capable of handling large amounts of data (for example, large inventories and complex products)
Users can access large quantities of data through dynamic download and unload.

What is the market adoption forecast for 3D technologies?
While the video game, entertainment and training industries have benefited from the experiential nature of 3D, advances in computer-mediated graphics and software are helping to create emerging market opportunities for 3D visualization and virtual reality. The market size is estimated to exceed 15 Billion USD. See my detailed market forecast in the BLOG


The competitive landscape for 3D visualization products is fragmented and relatively
poorly documented. Competition is still emerging and few, if any of the Company’s
competitors have the marketing and sales channels that EON has aggressively pursued.
The participants in the 3D market can be broken down into the following categories:
Display Makers, Other Hardware Makers, Content Providers, Service Providers,
Software, and Standards Organizations. EON is well positioned within the software
category of 3D visualization. As a necessary means to expand the footprint of its
software business, the Company engages in the sale of displays and other integrated
hardware solutions. Its main competitors in the space include the following companies:

Virtools – French company focused on developing 3D tools for general VR use. Most
applications are targeted broadly in the visualization, VR and entertainment and
architecture area. Virtools has no specific software solution for IPCM and have only
interacted with EON in the architecture area. The company was sold to Dassault
Systemes earlier this year as the company was not profitable. Most likely the software
will be restricted from supporting competing CAD formats (such as UGS or Pro/E).
Major Global 1000 corporations will likely prefer a CAD neutral IPCM solution.

Viewpoint -Viewpoint (NASDAQ: VWPT) provides visual experiences on the Web.
They have no specific software solution for IPCM and have encountered EON
competitively only in the web space. Viewpoint operates a separate service division that
is interested in IPCM using EON instead of their own software. Their own tools lack
IPCM features and cannot produce high-end visual solutions for larger display formats.

VR4Max - a 3d Max plug in software with no focus or advanced features in IPCM.
VR4MAX is a low-end real-time interactive virtual reality environment to distribute 3ds
max and Autodesk VIZ designs. The tool has very limited capabilities and has no
specific software solution for IPCM. EON has only competed with them in the
architecture area with the company’s correspondent EON Raptor plug-in.

Right Hemisphere – Right Hemisphere is a partner of EON and not a direct competitor.
They are a New Zealand-based company in an adjacent space and backed by Sequoia
Capital and Sutter Hill Ventures. They are a leader in Product Graphics Management
(PGM) software, which enables global manufacturers to globally source, service, and sell
more effectively by delivering 2D and 3D product graphics in the right format across
their extended enterprises from engineering data available in their CAD and PDM
systems. They have no specific software solution for IPCM.

Other competitors include:

Octaga: Swedish company that develops real time web-based 3D viewing plug-ins
similar to Raptor, and offers a suite of 3D players, server and development environments
targeted mostly toward web content.

Bitmanagement Software: German company that targets similar areas as EON. The
company was founded in 2002 and broke even in 2004-2005.

Media Machines: Makes Internet browser application plug-ins and software geared
towards low-end consumer usage.

EON’s competitors do not offer the IPCM capabilities that EON does, and often compete
with EON only in horizontal, low-end visualization markets. EON’s technology is
significantly ahead of the competition when it comes to rendering and displaying more
complex 3D data. In an emerging market like 3D IPCM and SBL, sales and marketing
efforts are critical to build out a viable ecosystem, and EON has made itself a leader in
the field by implementing very large, complex display projects for major corporations.
The Company’s focus on workflow application integration also distinguishes it from
other companies in the 3D space. While most focus heavily on consumer entertainment
and gaming, EON has recognized that 3D serves valuable, functional purposes and has
spent thousands of man-hours to develop application authoring tools that will seamlessly
enhance workflow and product lifecycle management functions.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

EON Reality The future 2007 & beyond…

It is not wild to think that 40 months from now 3D browsing will be the normal way to interact on the worldwide web, when you can actually walk through Virtual stores to buy things, where you can be in a 3D environment to sell, demonstrate & support and so on. Too many indications of this already exist such as Second Life, Google Earth, Microsoft Earth, IBM 3d strategy, MySpace etc.

If we 100% know this today, what should we do today to position ourselves to win the big market? Here are a few ideas:

1. Expand our IPCM strategy online so every time we do an exhibition or anything for a company catalogue, we also put it on the online 3D browser capability
2. The key is how users can create 3D in a simple way? The answer EON Visualizer (Sweden team), EE Creator & Eon Human – release during 2007 with Grants funding
3. Fast development update of EON Coliseum which is EON’s own viewer with 3D enabled VR online meeting
4. Continue to generate tremendous amounts of 3d content on EonExperience.com Team up with Turbo Squid, Zygote, historical places etc to accumulate as much content in the EON Viewer as possible, because Content is King. This is what made YouTube beat Google video
5. Partner early with IBM, MS, Yahoo so we are part of the winning team where our technology can get leverage from them and piggy back on their initiatives
6. Open the consumer related part, make it attractive, create a PULL by Adding the EON Human faces where people – Create the Viral Buzz

EON Reality What we do

3.1 Long version
EON’s purpose is to Effectively Transfer Knowledge with the use of Rich Computer Mediated Communication solutions generating Sensory (Visual, Audio & Touch) Exciting Interactive Experiences
3.2 Medium Version
Sensory (Visual, Audio & Touch) Enrich Computer Mediated Knowledge Communication
Bring Computer Mediated Knowledge Communication to life
3..3 Short Version
Enrich Computer Mediated Communication
Bring Computer Mediated Communication to life

Effectively Transfer Knowledge (Visions & Imagination)
Rich Computer Mediated Communication Solutions
Sensory (Visual, Audio & Touch) Exciting & Interactive Experience

Key Words that EON stands

P0: Experience: sense, sensible, sensational, enrich, taste, see, feel, enhance, augment
P0: Communication: Computer Mediated, transmitting information, informing
P0: Knowledge: learning, understanding, enlightened, illumination, remember
P0: Excitement: wow, thrill, attention, fun, happy, joy, action
P0: Visual: virtual reality, sight, sensory, see, image, vision, visualize
P1: Imagination: vivid dream, idea, fantasy, vision
P1: Alive: living, enlivened, breathing, unleashed, release, Life
P1: Real: reality, truth, existence, knowledge, essentially
P1: Interactive: share, dynamic, response, hands-on, engaging.

EON Reality Reconfigurable 8 Wall Icube


1 Introduction
This proposal is for equipping a Customers Location Exhibit with a high resolution fully immersive and Reconfigurable Icube display. The Reconfigurable Icube system is based on an eight channel immersive screen turn-key solution developed and integrated by EON Reality. This system can be used for visualization of large complex data sets or for commercial work such as product launches of aircraft, design reviews of interiors, focus groups, and configuration layouts.
By incorporating the Icube system with existing design tools as well as EON development and VR run-time software technology, Customer will receive among other the following benefits:

- Scalable Experience on multiple publishing formats, e.g. Internet, 3D Stereo Displays, Workstation etc.
- Simple Data Transfer, over 55 CAD and other 3D formats can be imported including native import for Alias, Maya, Microstation, Catia, Pro/E, UG, Solidworks and Rhino plus geometry optimization tools
- Photo Realistic Visual Quality, pixel/vertex shaders, real-time reflections, shadows, light maps, Cg script node and Cg shader library etc

- Support for stereo display multi-wall systems with blending, Support for high resolution Stereo (Quad buffer) and multi wall high quality projections and stereo displays on large screens
- Fast Development of Complex Simulation Scenarios and Configurations based on Visual Programming expandable with C++ SDK
- Realistic Representations of Humans and Mobile Objects including human Support for realistic moving people, plants and vehicles and includes starter library from RPC
- Physics Based Simulation of how Objects and Systems Behave in the Real World including real-time physics Kinematics, Collision, Gravity and Friction

2 Company Background

• EON Reality, Inc. is a privately held US corporation, founded in 1999
• Resellers/support in 36 countries
• Over 36 million EON-based 3D downloads on the largest e-tailing site in the world
• Currently have 200,000 personal edition licenses distributed
• Over 4,000 seats of EON installed commercial software installed worldwide
• Fortune 500 companies that are utilizing EON include Lexus, Customer, American Suzuki, Toyota, John Deere, Siemens Medical, Whirlpool, Tetra-Pak, Atlas Copco, Dell, Bechtel, Harley-Davidson, Parsons Brinkerhof, Eastman Kodak, EPRI, Korea Power Corporation and Intel, see below for a few detailed examples:
- http://www.eonreality.com/news/NewsFlash/news_flash102005.htm
- http://www.eonreality.com/news/NewsFlash/Siemens.htm
- http://www.eonreality.com/news/news_archive/press_releases11_15_04.htm
- http://www.eonreality.com/news/NewsFlash/CAI_JohnDeere.htm
- http://www.eonreality.com/news/NewsFlash/KioskMagazineAward.htm
- http://www.eonreality.com/news/NewsFlash/news_flash012505.htm
• Over 180 universities and educational institution licenses in 25 countries, including Purdue University, Cornell University, Wichita State University, Alberta College of Art and Design, Carleton University, George Washington University, Washington State University and UCLA.
• EON has award winning 3D software technology including;
- Best New Technology, Kioskcom, April 2004
- Kiosk of the Year, Kioskmagazine, June 2004
- Most Innovative Product, Kioskmagazine, July 2004


• CEO, Mats Johansson
• CFO, Vaughn Merrill
• Executive Vice President Sales, Dan Leijerskar
• CTO, Nils Andersson
• Business Development Manager, Sridhar Sunkad
• Business Development Manager, Sean O’Brien
• Product Manager, Jan Kjallstrom
• Project Manager, Dennis Cafiero
• Content Development Manager, Francisco Rodriguez
• Application Development Manager, Josh Kolbeck
• Installation Manager, Lenny Liu
• Support Manager, Lloyd Churches
• Headquarters: Irvine, CA
• Development/Support office: Gothenburg, Sweden
• Support/Sales Office: Chicago, IL
• Support/Sales Office: Melbourne, Australia
• Support/Sales Office: New Ark, NJ
• Support/Sales Office: Cheshire, UK
• All office locations are outlined in on-line RFP response

3 Equipment Specification
The Icube solution proposed to meet Customer needs consists of the following:
• Eight channel Graphics Server based on Nvidia Quadro Plex Model 1 architecture
• Icube Reconfigurable Display wall
• High fidelity DLP projectors
• Cluster Run-time software
• VR development/authoring software
• Wireless tracking system and interaction devices
• Stereo glasses
• Installation, configuration;
• Display system training;
• Support and upgrades
• Additional Equipment per RFP
In addition to the above EON can provide additional display system options such as a mobile single screen VR display that you may wish to consider to enhance the visualization environment.

Icube System Specification:

Item # Product ID # Description Qty

3 Chip DLP Active/Passive 3D Stereo Projector, Mirage S+8K Christie Digital, Native Resolution 1400x1050, 8,500 ANSI Lumens Brightness, Power Lens Shift Vertical/Horizontal for Easy Alignment and Contrast Ratio 2,000:1 with a Fixed Lens 1.2:1 (L,R) Throw Ratio. 8
Integrated Projector Mounts with Alignment Controls for Rear Projection 5
Integrated Projector Mounts with Alignment Controls for Front Projection 3
Rigid Active/Passive Rear Projection Screen. Width 10 feet and Height 7.5 feet for each side screen segment. Screens are Optimized for EON Blended 3D Visualization using Acrylic Diffusion Coated White Tint 0.8 Gain Material. 1400x1050 Pixels per Screen. 2
Rigid Active/Passive Rear Projection Screen. Width 24 feet and Height 7.5 feet for Front Screen. Screen is Optimized for EON Blended 3D Visualization using Acrylic Diffusion Coated White Tint 0.8 Gain Material. 3360X1050 Effective Pixels After Blending. 1
Rigid Front Projection Floor Screen. Width 24 feet and Depth 7.5 feet. Screen is Optimized for EON Blended 3D Visualization using Special Coated (Anti Scratch) Acrylic Diffusion Coated White Tint 0.8 Gain Material. 3360X1050 Effective Pixels After Blending. 1
Structure: Aluminum extrusions, rigid frame for 4-Wall System U-Shape with Re-configurable Wings. 1
EON Icube Software for 8 Channels. 1
EON Professional: Includes EON Studio, Visual Effects, Human, EON CAD, Raptor (3ds max plug-in), EON Server, EON SDK and Physics Engine 1
TrackD 1
Icube Graphics Server: Includes Full Rack with Two HP Workstations min Dual AMD 64 Bit Workstation, 600Watts Power Supply, Supermicro H8DCE Dual Opteron with Gigabit/Audio onboard, 2 x AMD Opteron 254 3.0 GHz 1MB 64/32 Bit, 4GB Kingston 400MHz DDR ECC Registered WD 250 GB HD 7200RPM SATA2 16Meg Cache, Four Nvidia Quadro Plex 1000 Model 1 (includes eight genlocked FX5500 graphics cards 1Gb Graphic Cards with Two Quadro Plex Systems per PC-Node), Pioneer 16X DVD+/-RW Burner with Roxio Software, Sony DVDrom 16X IDE Drive, Mitsumi 1.44 with 6 in 1 Memory Reader, Firewire card, Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit Professional with Service Pak 2 Labor + Installation + 48 Hours Burning/QA Testing, (Up to 500 million triangles per second per channel capacity) and networking for EON cluster synchronization incl. KVM switch software, Matrix Switcher, longrange wireless keyboard and mouse and 2 SXGA+ 21" LCD screens with DVI Switcher 2 in and 8 out incl. all cabling. 1
Active Stereo Glasses 10
Active Stereo Emitters 6
Z-screen for Passive Stereo Mode for Projectors 8
Passive Stereo Glasses Terminator Style 50
Passive Stereo Glasses Clip-on Style 20
Surround Sound Dolby 5.1 System: Eight Speakers and Subwoofer incl. 3D Sound Support with Directional Sound Effects. Also Includes Rackmounted Amplifier and Three Wireless Microphones. 1
Interactive Devices: Intersense IS-900 SimTracker Wireless System with Extra Sonistrips to Manage a 24 feet by 10 feet and 7.5 feet Tracked Volume with Wireless Headtracker for Interaction and Viewing Frustum Updates and Wireless Wand for User Interaction and Navigation. 1
Wireless Long Range Wand (100 ft) for User Interaction and Navigation in Non Tracked Configuration 1
AMX 8400 Wall Mounted Wireless and 12" Table Top (for control room) Touch Screens for AV, Lighting and Peripheral Control, Cabling and Programming. 1
Matrix Switcher Equipment and Cabling 1
Installation, training, integration and alignment incl. expenses 1
Icatcher 100 Demo Library Including over 100 Advanced EON Application Examples incl. Source Code 1

Additional Equipment Specification

Item # Product ID # Description Qty

1.2 MISC Additional Equipment:
Mission Spare: 3 Chip DLP Active/Passive 3D Stereo Projector, Mirage S+8K Christie Digital, Native Resolution 1400x1050, 8,500 ANSI Lumens Brightness, Power Lens Shift Vertical/Horizontal for Easy Alignment and Contrast Ratio 2,000:1 with a Fixed Lens 1.2:1 (L,R) Throw Ratio. 1
PC Mission Spare: Icube Graphics Server (same specs as above in Icube) 1
PC Development Systems: Same specs as above in Icube but with one FX5500 card. 2
IS-900 MiniTrax Wireless Wand Package (for "shopping cart" verified that two wands can be used at same time) 1
Flat Panel LCD Display 21" with SXGA+ Native Resolution 2
USB Keyboard and Mouse 1
DVD Player with Multizone support, Dolby 5.1 and RS232 support 2
12" LCD Preview Monitor for Video 1
Video Scaler 1
Remote controlled CD Player with mp3 support 1
audio mixing console and audio monitors 1
Infocus LP860 with Native SXGA+ Resolution, Standard 1.5-2.2:1 Lens and 3,500 ANSI Lumens 2
Push to talk Microphone 1
Video Monitoring and Recording System (PC Based) 1
Immersive for Vega Prime Runtime (vp_immersive_rtl) including Vega Prime Runtime Environment (vp_base_rti) and Vega Prime Distributed Rendering Runtime (vp_dr_rtl) Note: Other modeuls may be needed if e.g. special effects and other advanced features are used. 2
Alias in Real-Time, Alias is currently developing a new product Alias called Showcase. This product is not currently released, no release date announced. 0

4 Graphics Engine – Quadro Plex Graphics Server

EON is proposing an Nvidia based Quadro Plex 1000, Model 1 graphics engine together with two networked PC workstations, which allows driving the entire Icube (eight channels) off two computers each having two Nvidia Guadro Plex Model 1 systems connected . This way the cluster is minimized while optimizing performance with Eight FX5500 Graphics Cards each driving one display. Genlock is used internally in the Model 1 for optimal stereo synchronization between screens:

Below key performance specs are outlined for the Quadro Plex Platform. NVIDIA Quadro Plex 1000
Model I Model II Model III
5500 (2) NVIDIA Quadro FX
4500 X2 (2) NVIDIA Quadro FX
5500 SDI (2)
Total GPUs 2 4 2
Total Frame Buffer 2GB (1GB/GPU) 2GB (512MB/GPU) 2GB (1GB/GPU)
Option NVIDIA Quadro
G-Sync NVIDIA Quadro
G-Sync NVIDIA Quadro SDI
Channels 4 dual-link DVI 8 dual-link DVI 4 dual-link DVI
2 dual-link DVI +
4 single-link HD SDI
2 dual-link DVI +
2 dual-link HD SDI
Genlock/frame lock Y Y Y
Frame Synchronization Y Y N
FSAA (Max per Channel) 32x SLI FSAA 64x SLI FSAA 32x SLI FSAA
USB 2 Front
Host Connection
PCI Express x16, Small Form Factor, Passive (10W)

2M (6.5 foot) NVIDIA Quadro Plex Interconnect Cable
Power 520W
100-240 VAC
Accoustics 40dB
Form Factor Tower Desktop (9.49" H x 5.94" W x 20.55" D) or
Rack Mount (3U H x 8.5" W x 20.55" D)
Weight* 18.6lb
See also Appendix E.

Below is included a summary specification of the HP/Nvidia based Icube Graphics Server:
• Active/Passive Stereo capable with Genlock
• OS Windows XP (32 Bit):
• 64-Bit AMD with minimum Dual 3.0 GHz; 800 MHz FSB;
2 MB L2Cache; Hyper Threading Technology
(1) 220 GB HD
(1) CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive
2 HD
• Gigabit Ethernet on-board
• Dual Quadro Plex NVIDIA FX5500G PCI Express graphics
• 3D Capable Sound Board on Master Workstation
Cabling for dedicated cluster Gigabit Ethernet; owner supplies all network cabling and connections and all serial, video, and audio cabling.
Installation and connection; includes fully EON configured cluster compatible applications incl. set-up of templates for ease of use with various data sources.
One of the substantial benefits is that it will be possible to run any non-cluster aware Windows application such as Powerpoint, Alias, Maya, Windows Media Player over up to four channels, e.g. Powerpoint on all three front channels. This has to do with that while using the Quadro Plex system one node (= one PC with two Quadro Plex) can extend a desktop over four monitors (channels).
Other items for Graphics Server Set-up include:
• Wireless Keyboard and Mouse
• Two LCD Screens Native 1400x1050 Resolution
• One ATEN VS-461 DVI-switch, 8 to 2
• Full Rack
• Existing Min10 free Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch (provided by KCC)
• KVM Switch Software (Synergy)

5 Projection System and Screen Technologies
The display system will comprise of an eight channel (three walls and a floor), rear projected, active stereo Icube System driven by eight high quality DLP Christie Digital S+8K stereo projectors . Each projector has the following specification (see also Appendix F):
• Light Output – 8,500 ANSI Lumens
• Native Resolution – 1400 x 1050 Pixels
• Contrast Ratio – 2,000:1
• Motorized horizontal and vertical offset
• 3D 3-chip 0.95" Darkchip2™ DMD
• Built-in light shutter
• Built-in edge-blending
• Comprehensive Color Adjustment (CCA™)
• 100 VAC to 240 VAC +/- 10% @ 50/60 Hz
• Power consumption: 2,000W maximum
• Thermal dissipation: 6,825 BTU/hr
• Operating current: 10A@200V

A Christie Digital Z-buffer filter will be provided for each projector to enable passive stereo mode option.
The Icube System consists of three rear projected screens and one front projected floor screen set-up in a U-shape. Each side wall screen can swing out from 90 -120 degrees compared to front wall screen.

Icube Four Wall Projection Screen
• Front and Floor screens each three channel blended 24 feet wide by 7.5 feet with two single channel side screens each measuring 10 feet by 7.5 feet. All measurements refer to projected image size (total 4 screens), see schematic below
• Rear projection 3D stereo compatible Acrylic Diffusion Coated White Tint 0.8 Gain Material for three channel rear projection wall and single channel wings
• Front projection 3D stereo compatible Acrylic Diffusion Coated White Tint 0.8 Gain Material and Special Coated (Anti Scratch and wear durable, transparent overlay for floor)
• Flexible design allowing for easy configuration as per below
• Rigid aluminium design
• Mirror system to minimize throw distance
• Maximum image gap between screens +/-1 mm
• Bracket mechanism for reconfiguring of side screens between 90° - 120° and wheel caster at bottom for moving around, or change butt angle
• Front screen and side screens are built as "Full Enclosures" retro box to eliminate projection light leaking, or ambient light affect the projection cone etc.

See also Appendix B for complete drawings incl. two layout options, final layout will be decided after onsite visit.

3D Stereo Eyewear and Emitters
• 6 pairs of emitters
• 10 pairs of active stereo glasses
• 75 Passive Stereo Glasses (Terminator and Clip-on)
• 8 Z-screens for Passive Stereo Mode

Uncompromising quality of the picture is a prerequisite for this experience of virtual reality. Active and passive stereo display technology fits in here since they represent a very bright and homogeneous stereoscopic picture in a full pixel dissolving. Due to the extremely high separation of the individual stereoscopic pictures, perception of depth is not impaired by double contours. Furthermore, no compromises are required between stereoscopic mode and resolution. With these qualities active stereo display technology creates new prerequisites for image generation in a visual High Fidelity quality.

AV Equipment
• Dolby 5.1 compatible surround sound system
• Amplifier Harman Kardon AVR-645
• Infinity 5.1 Subwoofer
• Infinity 5.1 Sound System with Eight speakers and wall brackets
• Matrix Switcher CrossPoint 450 Plus 1616 HV with rack shelf
• MediaLink™ Switcher MLS 100 A for Audio Switching
• DVD Player Harman Kardon
• Two wireless wearable microphones
• One handheld wireless microphone
• AMX 12” table top touch panel for control room and MVP-8400- Wireless 8.4" Touch Screen Interface, Table Top Docking Station, Power Supply 4.4 AMP, 12 volt, AMX Wireless Access Point and NI-4100 Controller
• Projector Replacement Lamp and Filter

Amplifier, DVD, Matrix Switcher and AMX Controller will be mounted in the Graphics Server Equipment Rack. All cabling such as RS-232 and connectors necessary for installation will be provided. In addition all equipment will be connected to UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) system following APC standard.

Cabling, Receiver, Transmitter and Video Scaler
• Twisted Pair Tx/Rx for signal distribution between the Matrix and projectors as well as the computer input on the Conference Table (1000' spool Twisted Pair Skew Free Plenum cable)
• MTP - Mini Twisted Pair Transmitter for RGBHV and Audio
• MTP - Mini Twisted Pair Receiver for RGBHV and Audio
• DVS - Four Input Video and RGB Scaler
• Required VGA/BNC Cables for Connecting PC’s with Matrix Switcher
• A Cable Cubby 200 will be used as a connectivity box on the Conference table in the Icube Room

See wiring diagram below (see also Appendix H).

Tracking System
• IS-900 Sim Tracker Wireless system with (12) 3 6-ft. SoniStrips
• Tracking Volume 24x10x7.5 feet
• Two six-button MiniTrax wireless wands for user interaction (one for hand interaction and one for “shopping cart”)
• One MiniTrax Head Tracker

Advantages of the IS-900 technology include:
• Immune to metallic, acoustic, and optical interference
• Sensor design eliminates acoustic transmitter “line of sight” blockage
• Consistent accuracy over entire tracking volume
• Applications range in size from small cockpit simulators to large broadcast studios
• One-time system calibration performed during initial installation with accurate position mapping of acoustic transmitters
• Superior motion prediction algorithms
• Wireless tracking devices
• Integration of tracking devices into OEM applications

Applications for IS-900 tracking system include:
• Head/Hand/Instrument Body Tracking
o Virtual reality
o Flight simulation
o Scientific visualization
o Medical Imaging
o Entertainment
• Biomechanical/Human Factors Analysis
• Rehabilitative Feedback & Assessment
• 3D Graphics Control & Manipulation

HVAC and Power Requirements

Display System:
• Power consumption: 16,000 W maximum
• Thermal dissipation: 54,600 BTU/hr

Graphics Server:
• Power consumption: 3,600 W maximum
• Thermal dissipation: 3,200 BTU/hr

6 Examples of Application Areas

• Architectural Walk through - Architects and interior designers can communicate their designs to their clients through active real time walk through. While using the Icube, the customer is immersed in the environment and can walk or fly through the building, while selecting the right color for the walls and different design options.
• Design Reviews - The ICUBE is the optimal tool used for each step in the process of the 'birth of a car' showing products in a scale 1:1 and enabling a bright and high-resolution visualization of Digital Mock-Ups (DMUs). The Cube Reality is also used in engineering evaluations allowing, for example, a better insight in the position of the different components under the hood. Installation difficulties and servicing issues can be detected long before the first prototype is manufactured. Rather than cutting metal, let virtual reality do the work for you. Use your creativity to make new products and let Cube Reality show you how these products will look in real life. Using EON Icube and EON Studio, you can interact with your products, choose from different design options, and yet maintain a realistic look.
• Human Factors Studies/Tracking - EON Icube has the ability to integrate various tracking systems such as Intersense IS-900. Digital humans can be incorporated into the simulation in with full biomechanical modeling. Kinematics and inverse of kinematics are activated and the digital avatar becomes alive. Now, you can send this digital soldier to your vehicle, your battlefield, or to any other environment. One may also embed various cameras into the digital soldier's eyes, connect those into a head mounted display (HMD), and see what the soldier sees.
• Plant lay-out - The ICUBE is used to address difficult layout decisions that could not otherwise be visualized. Imagine rearranging a plant layout interactively as a team effort. Instead of simple CAD models that show wire frame diagrams, the ICUBE shows a completely realistic rendered (i.e., colors, shading, and lighting) model. Participants can together select the plant area, choose the appropriate machines and components, arrange them in space, measure and see if they have sufficient space and explore a virtual tour in the planned space.
• Other applications - Examples of other applications are: Scientific Visualization, Virtual Museums, Driving Simulation/Flight Simulation, Research, Medical imaging and visualization, Sales and product presentations, Event Presentations & Virtual Prototyping.

7 EON Software and Content Creation Tools

The following software is included:

Application Software

- EON Professional
EON Professional offers a robust set of features, building on the success of EON Studio TM, designed to meet specific application needs. The software enables the highest level of photo realism with the real-time Visual Effects Features, support for many native CAD and 3D/2D formats through the CAD feature including Catia, 3DMax, Maya etc. The Physics feature allows users to simulate complex mechanical systems in real-time and the Human feature allows for integration of highly realistic moving humans into EON applications. Finally, the new SDK feature allows advanced system integrators to implement support for their software and hardware within the EON Professional framework.

- EON Icube 4 Wall Software (includes EON Studio)
EON Icube software is an extension of EON Professional and includes features for interfacing with advanced display and integrated Virtual Reality systems. With Multi Wall Cluster Visualization, simulation can be viewed on several monitors simultaneously, each one displaying a different viewpoint of the scene, by using a cluster of fully synchronized
PCs linked together in a local area network. The software supports edge blending and provides the capability to create full Icube Stereo images.
The EON ICUBE Software also integrates seamlessly with all EON tools such as EON CAD for easy conversion of data and models from one publishing option to another as the same core data is used whether viewing in the ICUBE or on the Internet.

The EON ICUBE Software Functionality includes:
• Alignment of viewing frustum between view ports for perpendicular screens depending on tracked viewing position
• Adjustment of Stereo-separation based on head position (viewing angle)
• Support for all major types of tracking systems; such as optical, magnetic, ultrasonic and inertia based
• Support for Wand interaction devices
• Easy to use GUI to input screen dimensions, tracking system position and stereo-parameters for real-time viewport calculations
• Easy-to-use interface that allows to open up any existing EON application using templates showing a fully immersive application
• Allows for true scalability from web deployment to highest level of immersive device
- EON Server
EON Server is a modular server based service for managing large product data sets, scientific models and repositories. See also Appendix I for more information.
EON SDK is a C++ programming tool allowing for building custom run-time or design-time extension to EON Studio or Professional.

EON’s Unique Advantages:
• Scalable solution
EON Products can be updated continuously through the Internet and extended on line. Customers can select products and be able to visually configure in real-time any accessory package or color, resulting in millions of potential combinations.

• Dynamic loading and database integration
EON has the capability to provide Dynamic loading of large textures, geometries and other content data from the server. In short, complex configurations can be built without having to download all components in advance, and any parts changes can be done on the server without

modifying the configuration application. This is absolutely necessary for more sizable vehicle configurations, as it keeps the application size small for the end-user, and cost-effective to maintain and update changes. EON Server is a modular server-based solution for large 3D content and databases on the web and offline.

• Real Time Texture Mapping and Scaling
EON has a new feature of adapting textures in real-time such as mapping and scaling. This allows for enhanced design reviews in terms of packaging, surfacing etc.

• Complete 3D configuration product
EON Products provides a revolutionary approach to customers, employing a visually-driven sales configuration tool. Coupled with the integration capability, the financial estimator and quote process and customized brochure the sales process, is significantly streamlined.

• Rapid content creation tools
EON's ease of use, rapid interaction creation and re-usability provides tremendous content production cost savings. EON's content creation process utilizes a "drag and drop" approach of predefined behaviors, which explains the rapid content creation results. EON Studio is the complete development tool.

• High visual quality & detailed models
EON can render large geometry and detailed models. EON also has a proprietary advanced rendering engine (pixel and vertex shaders, reflections, shadows, environmental mapping, progressive rendering etc.).

• Support for advanced peripherals
EON automatically supports advanced peripherals such as joystick, pinch gloves, head mounted displays, voice command and control, and tracker system. This means that, for example, at an exhibit a customer will be able to interact with models in a Virtual Reality mode by either "grabbing" a car with the hands or joystick, or providing voice commands etc.

• Support for advanced multi-media
EON automatically supports video clips (.avi mpg movie etc) inside the simulation. For example, a real movie can be displayed on the DVD screen in the virtual car. EON automatically supports 3D sound, meaning that any sound will come from the correct direction, such as opening the left window while experiencing the car interior in the kiosk, the sound will come from the left speaker.

• Web solution
EON has a component base Internet solution, similar to e.g. Shockwave that utilizes a plug-in based viewer for users who are able to download and install a viewer. The installation is done once and then content can be viewed from multiple sources and applications built on EON. In case there is a software update only those components updated are replaced on the Client.

• Support for stereo displays multi-wall systems
Support for high resolution Stereo (Quad buffer) and multi wall high quality projections and stereo displays. This is possible, thanks to EON Icube, as it provides seamless publishing of high quality stereoscopic data on large screens for exhibits or product launches.

• Proven track record of large scale implementations
EON has a proven track record of creating the largest commercial 3D sales application deployments for companies such as: Office Depot, Suzuki, Tetra-Pak, Dell, Lexmark, Canon, Hon, Samsung, Shimano, Audi, Nokia etc. EON Reality provides the only solution that has all the technical features required to create an integrated, scalable, high quality 3D Sales Application.

The following major 3D formats are supported by EON software:
• 3ds max (.max)
• 3D Studio (.3ds)
• Alias (.wire, .tri)
• AutoCAD (.dwg)
• ACIS (.sat, .sab)
• Catia v5 & v4 (.model)
• Cg Material (.emt)
• Cinema4d (.c4d)
• DXF ASCII/Binary (.dxf)
• IGES v5.3 (.igs, .iges)
• Lightwave (.lw)
• Maya (.ma, .mb)
• Microstation (.dgn, .cel)
• Okino (.bdf)
• OpenFlight (.flt)
• Pro Engineer (.prt, .asm, .slp)
• Quickdraw 3D
• Rhino (.3dm)
• RPC Objects
• SoftImage (.hrc, .dsc)
• Solidworks (.sldprt, .sldasm))
• Solidedge v4 (.par)
• STEP (.stp, .step)
• Stereo Lithography .STL (.stl)
• Strata StudioPro v1.75
• TrueSpace (.cob, .scn)
• USGS DEM (.dem)
• Unigraphics (.prt)
• VRML (.wrl)

An Object/Model Library of 1,500 ready to use EON objects in the following categories are included:
• Aircraft
• Animals
• Architecture
• Computers
• Electrical
• Food
• Furniture
• Geography
• Historical
• Household
• Industrial
• Medical
• Military
• Miscellaneous
• Sci-Fi
• Sports
• Tools

8 Assumptions
Customer will provide the following:
• Detailed Layout/Drawing for visualization facility
• Verify and make available agreed access routes based on screen size etc. by signing of on production screen drawing
• Provide power per specification
• Network support for setting up Graphics Server connected to on-site network

9 Project Work Flow

The project will include the following major milestones.

EON Reality will together with the Customer create a detailed specification based on needs and limitations that both parties will sign off on.

EON will integrate and test all components at EON facility.

EON and Customer will coordinate and monitor delivery as well as confirm receipt of all components.

EON will install and test all system functionality at Customer site.

EON will train Customer on location with regards to systems operation, maintenance and software management.

Sign off:
EON and Customer will jointly sign off and approve installation.

EON will provide support and maintenance per agreed contract.

Appendix A: Definition of Terminology
3D – Three Dimensional
Hot-spots – Clickable functionality such as open/close doors, drawers etc.
3D Stereo – Immersive stereoscopic viewing
HDRI – High Dynamic Range Image (Ultra High Resolution/Quality Digital Image)
Texture Map – Digital Photo or Rendering mapped on 3D geometry to create realistic look and feel
Vertex/Pixel Shader – Computer Graphics scripting running directly on special Graphics Boards to enable advanced realistic materials
Environmental mapping – Texture mapping (digital photo) of environment that can reflect into an object or objects
Tracker system – Hardware for real-time positioning within a virtual environment/world

Appendix B: Base System Layout and Design


Appendix C: Summary Specification and Pricing


Appendix G: IDC Consortium

EON Reality, NVIDIA, Christie Digital and HP have formed a Strategic Consortium with the goal of establishing de facto standard for visualization solutions world wide:

• NVIDIA, Sheri Nimtz, Manager DCC Industry Marketing
• • Christie Digital Systems, Fluegeman, David, VP Christie Immersive Solutions Group
• EON Reality, Mats Johansson, CEO
• HP, Craig Fullman, Manager Visualization Group

The IDC Consortium brings together technologies that enable sensory and visual based real time visualization.
• Interactive Digital Reality: Product design imagination can be materialized and knowledge shared in a dynamic, responsive and hands-on fashion
• Return on Investment By using IDC Consortium solutions companies can now effectively capitalize on existing investments in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) to increase sales, communicate product functionality more effectively, and decrease the cost of service, training and technical support, EON Reality brings the best photo realistic virtual reality quality and physics realism solution in the market today, and with EON 5.5 the fastest real-time rendering capability and conversion speed from CAD

• Enriched Experience: The users can touch, sense reactions, view, hear and interact with the data in real-time
• “We’ve worked with EON Reality to turn a cutting-edge prototype from our research lab into a marketable product” said Daniel T. Ling, corporate vice president of Research at Microsoft
• Exciting Presentations: Immersive presentations grab immediately viewers attention generating wow reactions, thrilling experiences and joyful interactions
• The IDC Consortium can provide fully integrated visual solutions for immersive environments in the Virtual Reality (VR) and simulation markets. Christie Digital brings the top projectors in the market, the NEW seamless automatic multi screens blending technology and the TotalView Technology
• Faster Communication: Users understand much faster complex messages due to the sensory enhancing computer mediated communication capabilities
• Effective Knowledge Transfer: Simulation based learning is improved by the hands-on experience and users remember the content longer
• Brings life to Innovations: New products and concepts are enlivened and unleashed with the IDC Consortium solutions OC Innovation Forum Garcia, John Chairman

Appendix H: Wiring Diagram for Main Components

Appendix I: EON Server Whitepaper

EON Reality, Inc., 2006

EON Server is a solution provided by EON Reality that enables configuration of running EON Applications. A typical EON Application consists of a number of 3D objects placed in a 3D environment. Distribution of an EON Applications is straightforward over the web, and by using the EON Server technology it’s very easy to distribute both large and configurable EON Applications.
EON Server consists of two different parts, EON Dynamic Load and EON Track. EON Dynamic Load handles how parts, e.g. different 3D models, of an EON Application is downloaded and integrated into the 3D environment. EON Track enables tracking of user-defined events in a server-based database.
In order to use the EON Server services there is also an EON License Server. This is available on the Internet or as a Stand-alone license, controlled by EON Reality and validates all use of the EON Server technology.

In order to use EON Dynamic Load, parts of an EON Application must be saved as EON prototypes (See EON Studio documentation for more info on EON prototypes). Each prototype contains any kind of EON functionality like 3D geometry, textures, behavior, scripting etc. The prototypes are stored in a prototype library files and placed on any web server or a hard drive. When the EON Application is running any number of prototype files may be downloaded and added to the running EON Application. It is possible to both load and unload (remove) the prototypes from a running EON Application.

Due to Internet bandwidth limitations it does take long time to download some large 3D applications. If the EON Application is larger than a couple of hundred kilobytes, users may find it time consuming to download. By using the EON Dynamic Load service it is possible to split the EON Application into smaller prototypes, typically 40-100 kilobytes each, and download the prototypes one after another. Each prototype can contain any EON functionality and all interactivity embedded in the prototype will be working as soon as it is downloaded. By using a sorted order of the download of the prototypes the 3D environment will be built in an attractive and functional way for the end user.

By using the EON Dynamic Load service it is not only possible to download predefined prototypes and embed in a 3D environment, it is also possible to let the user decide which prototype to download, and also unload any prototype. This creates limitless combinations of the 3D content in a running EON Application. Since the prototypes may be used in different EON Applications, it is very simple to reuse models.

The number of application areas for EON Dynamic Load is very large, here is a short list of some typical applications that may be created. Remember that the number of objects that may be loaded is limitless; a very large catalog of 3D objects may be used as a basis for configuration.

• Furniture configurator. Select a number of furniture objects in a regular web catalog, add them to an EON Application as prototypes, place them, select colors etc and create your own new office/room.
• Home Builder configurator. When building new houses the customers always have to make a number of decisions like wallpapers, floors, kitchen cabinets etc. All these decisions can be made on the Internet and saved together with the order information.
• Car or Motorcycle configurator. See how your car and the price changes as you decide which options you want.
• Boat configurator. Boats are usually luxury and have a number of different options which all may be configured in 3D.
• Large buildings/constructions. Download large buildings or constructions in small parts and let the user see the 3D environment grow as more details are downloaded.
• Training applications for complex maintenance procedures with large machinery and equipment. E.g. machine tools, aircraft etc.

In order to use EON Dynamic Load on-line the following is required:
• A valid license in the EON Server License Server
• A number of prototype library files and/or texture files
• A web server to host the prototype library files
• An EON Application that uses the DynamicPrototype Node
• Embedding the EON Application in a host software that can handle ActiveX controls, usually embedded in an html page using e,g, Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator

The license can be set up in a number of different ways, please see the EON License Chapter for more information.

Prototype library files are created in EON Studio and are the same kind of prototype library files introduced with EON Studio 2.5. The file extension for these files is .eop. In order to create a prototype library file the steps must be performed:

1. Select a frame node in the simulation tree as start node for the prototype
2. Create a prototype of this start node by right clicking and select Create Prototype…
3. Select the Prototypes tab on a component window. If a component window is not open, then select New Component Window from the Window menu
4. Click New… in the Components - Prototype window
5. Select a file name and click Save
6. Drag the prototype from the local prototype window to the Component – Prototype window to store the prototype in the prototype library file. Only one prototype must be stored in each prototype library file.

EON Dynamic Load also allows for switching textures. The use of textures is similar to prototypes, except the textures are created in other software such as e.g. Photoshop.

All prototype library files must be stored on a web server provided by the companies that are using the EON Server services. Any kind of web server can be used for this purpose. EON Server services uses the http protocol (TCP port 80) for downloading prototype library files in order to avoid firewall problems. The prototype library files and texture files must then reside in a base directory or any subdirectory below this base directory on a web server. The base directory is defined in the EON License Server.

The EON Application will use the DynamicPrototype node for loading dynamic prototype files. This node has a PrototypeName field that holds the name of the prototype library file. This name may be set from inside EON Studio, which means that the prototype library file will be loaded upon start of the EON Application, or left empty and filled with a valid prototype library filename when the EON Application is running. When the EON Application is running it is always possible to change the PrototypeName field that means a new prototype library file will be downloaded and inserted to the running EON Application. There are also a number of different ways to control the download order (using script) and track current download status. In most cases a combination of logic between nodes, script nodes and JavaScript on a web page is combined to handle the logic for which prototype library files to download.

In order to use Dynamic Load services the EonX ActiveX control must be embedded in host software. Typical EON Applications that use the EON Server services places the EonX control on a web page. Both Internet explorer (4.0 or higher) and Netscape Navigator (4.04 or higher) are supported on the MS Windows platform. EON Applications are embedded the same way either they use EON Dynamic Load or not, there’s just one extra parameter passed to the EonX control, the base directory on the web server where the prototype library files are placed. The new enhanced EON Web Publisher released with EON Studio 3.0 creates all necessary code for publishing, only the base directory is necessary to set.
Most web based EON Applications utilizing the EON Server services also need some control logic on the web page. The recommended way is to use JavaScript on the web page combined with in and out events from the EON Application. This way a response from the web server (generating web page(s)) can include references to prototype library files, which might be selected by the end user and downloaded/included in the EON Application.

EON Track is a service that stores user-defined text in a database. The basic service includes possibility to store this text in a SQL database hosted by EON Reality. In EON Studio there is a node to handle this, Tracker. This node has five text fields that can be set with any kind of text and sent to the database using the SendInfoFields event. It is also possible to customize the behavior of the Tracker node in order to connect to any kind of database that can be reached through Internet. EON Reality offers this customization on consultant basis.
The main purpose of this node is to track specific information about what the end user does while using the EON Application. This is similar to “banner clicking” where some company have to pay a small amount of money every time someone clicks on an advertising banner on a web page. However, the EON Track service also offers possibility to store any kind of selections or other events that the end user generates.

A possible use for the five text fields in the Tracker node could be:
1. Name of the EON Application. If a user has more than one EON Application on the web, this will identify which of them that was used for this track record. Example: Car and Motorcycle for a Car or Motorcycle EON Application.
2. Now we assume we are using the motorcycle EON Application. Then the next text field could hold the brand of the Motorcycle selected. Example: Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Yamaha, Harley Davidson, Triumph etc.
3. Lets say we picked a Suzuki motorcycle, in this case we want to know which model # was picked which e.g. could be any of GS750ES, GSX1100EF, GS1100G, GSX1100G etc..
4. After selecting the favorite model (GS1100G) we’re about to select a part of this, let’s say we select the gas tank, which would be the fourth text field.
5. Finally we select a color of the gas tank, could be red and black.
The example above shows one way to fill the fields on the database. The customer (who designs the EON Application) can then log into the database over the web and see statistics for selection the end users has made. It’s possible to see favorite colors etc. It is also possible to build a solution where counts on specific brands are made for further business.

The different EON Server on-line solutions are all using EON License Server, which is a client-server based solution for licensing the technologies. The EON License Server keeps track of number of sessions that is used by the license. It is possible to set a maximum number of sessions per month, or just a maximum number of sessions per license. The system also provides for possibility to order new amount of number of sessions. Each session is a start of an EON Application, usually when the end user goes to a web page containing an EON Application. The business model is based on a maximum number of sessions per month for a specific fee.
The EON License server has two kinds of users available for customers, Provider User and Provider Administrator. The Provider User can only look at available sessions and other information, while the Provider Administrator can add/delete Provider Users and also order more sessions.

For off-line use a traditional EON Flex-LM node locked license is needed.