Sunday, April 1, 2007

EonExperience “EonEx” World’s Largest Online Interactive 3D Experience Streaming Service & 3D Library

Research & Development Center for
Development of:
EonExperience “EonEx”
World’s Largest Online Interactive 3D Experience Streaming Service & 3D Library

Searchable – Interactive - High Quality

1. Proposal Title

The purpose of this proposal is to create a Research & Development Center for Development of EonExperience “EonEx”, the World’s Largest Online Interactive 3D Experience Streaming Service & 3D Library that is Searchable, Interactive and contains High Quality 3D experiences.

2. EON Company Background

• EON Reality, Inc. is a privately held US corporation, founded in 1999
• Resellers/support in 37 countries
• Over 36 million EON-based 3D downloads on the largest e-tailing site in the world
• Currently have 200,000 personal edition licenses distributed
• Over 4,000 seats of EON installed commercial software installed worldwide
• Fortune 500 companies that are utilizing EON include Lexus, Boeing, American Suzuki, Toyota, John Deere, Siemens Medical, Whirlpool, Tetra-Pak, Atlas Copco, Dell, Bechtel, Harley-Davidson, Parsons Brinkerhof, Eastman Kodak, EPRI, Korea Power Corporation and Intel,
• Over 180 universities and educational institution licenses in 25 countries, including Purdue University, Cornell University, Wichita State University, Alberta College of Art and Design, Carleton University, George Washington University, Washington State University and UCLA.
• EON has award winning 3D software technology including;
- Best New Technology, Kioskcom, April 2004
- Kiosk of the Year, Kioskmagazine, June 2004
- Most Innovative Product, Kioskmagazine, July 2004
2.1 Organization

• CEO, Mats Johansson
• CFO, Vaughn Merrill
• Executive Vice President Sales, Dan Leijerskar
• CTO, Nils Andersson
• Business Development Manager, Sridhar Sunkad
• Business Development Manager, Sean O’Brien
• Product Manager, Jan Kjallstrom
• Project Manager, Dennis Cafiero
• Content Development Manager, Francisco Rodriguez
• Application Development Manager, Josh Kolbeck
• Installation Manager, Lenny Liu
• Support Manager, Lloyd Churches
2.2 Offices
• Headquarters: Irvine, CA
• Development/Support office: Gothenburg, Sweden
• Lund, Sweden
• Support/Sales Office: Chicago, IL
• Support/Sales Office: Melbourne, Australia
• Support/Sales Office: New Ark, NJ
• Support/Sales Office: Cheshire, UK
• Support/Sales Office: Tokyo, Japan
• All office locations are outlined in on-line RFP response

5. Introduction

The project is focused in the R&D of EON I-Search a corporate and web based hub service and Eonexperience an online Interactive 3D Experience streaming service & library.

5.1 Project Highlights and Summary Benefits

The project highlights and benefits are summarized as follows:

• EON will set up an R&D Center in Asia for this purpose in conjunction with IDC Asia
• EON will secure technology transfer from USA and Europe to the Asian R&D Center through a core team of developers consisting of 4 to 6 resources
• In addition to a core team of developers of 4 to 6 resources EON also plans to recruit local Asian talent for R&D
• The local recruitment ramp up is estimated to 15 to 20 by 2008
• In addition EON will also bring to the R&D project existing IDC Consortium members and partners that are focused 3D Search, Rich Media Publishing (NVIDIA, Christie Digital, and EON Reality)
• EON will attract Development content placement from existing IDC customers in Interactive Product Content Management (Global 1000 including BP, Intel, Boeing, Toyota, Atlas Copco, Electrolux etc)
• The Eonexperience library will bring partners for Simulation Based learning curriculum from leading California Academic Institutions through the Innovation Forum in (UCI, California Community Collages, UCLA)
• EON will bring IPCM content from over twelve existing IDC’s in ( ZGDV (Germany), Doncaster (England), South Carolina, Kentucky etc
• EON’s R&D presence will strengthen the R&D and know how in Asia within Interactive 3d solutions which will help other existing R&D activities
• The project is expected to generate significant Intellectual Property to be created in Asia In the area of:
a. EON Server streaming/dynamic load /track technology
b. EON I search 3D search
c. EON experience service
d. 3D libraries
e. Augmented Tele Immersion
f. Rich Media Publishing

5.3 EON I-Search Summary

EON I-Search will provide a modular server based solution for search, management and distribution of large 3D digital asset repositories over the web. EON I-Search is an Interactive 3D Digital Exchange solution that facilitates an ecosystem for the digital media sector including IPCM, SBL, RMP and ATS

The target market
• Global 1000 companies for IPCM
• Educational Institution for SBL
• 3D library clips for PowerPoint & RMP
• Application areas for EON Server include:
• Sales/marketing, dynamic loading of product catalogues
• Support/training, dynamic loading of training materials/objects
• Maintenance/support, e.g. dynamic access of 3D maintenance manuals
• Education and learning
• Later version includes consumer 3D Web search Engine

• Four modules in this product suite: EON 3D Search, EON Dynamic Load, EON Track, EonExperience connector
• 3D Interactive Visual Search of products & components
• Works like Google earth but for products
• Digital replicas for interactive product content management
• Learning Objects for SBL

Feature list
• Can manage 3D, 2d movie , image and text
• Characteristics are real photo realistic, behavior, visual, functional, searchable
• Web advertising Interactive 3D Visual
• Protected corporate or open web based hub option
• Can be used on any type of web-server very similar to e.g. how regular html pages or gif files are served up.
• Configurable, Virtual products could connected with physical ones through electronic tags
• Objects are streamed into the scene, allowing extremely small file-size and full interactivity from the first downloaded component
• The parts can be launched automatically through dynamic load, or by triggering any of EON sensors within the 3D environment or by load the objects through an html page by clicking on a button, text or image link from a 2D catalog

5.4 EonExperience Summary

The EonExperience is an online Interactive 3D Experience streaming service & library that allows users to experience and share 3D Experience content that have been uploaded by content providers, companies, academic institutions or members. The site will be launched in 2007 and aims at becoming the World’s Largest Online Interactive 3D Experience Streaming Service & 3D Library that is Searchable, Interactive and contains High Quality 3D experiences., see separate attached PP in appendix 1 for an overview.
The project with the name EonExperience is supported by the IDC Consortium and several high profile EON commercial customers and Academic institutions. EonExperience will build on the already existing 36 million EON Viewers downloads and the extensive existing 3D library.

6. Phased Development Overview

The project is divided into 3 phases:

6.1 Phase 1 implementation, Launch of initial EonExperience on line Library,
EON Human version 1.0, EON Server 3D Streaming Technology 1.0 & EON experience service version 1.0

• Develop the database driven online EonExperience website with automatic upload of Interactive 3D content
• Integration of EON FREE Viewer and FREE 3D Authoring Tool (EON Raptor)
• Development of Basic EON I-Search Engine
• EON Server hosting in US and Replicated Server in Asia based on digital exchange model,
• the EON Server 3D Streaming Technology is a state of the art technology that brings a number of different technologies together in order to improve streaming of interactive 3D media.
• EON Human version 1.0
• Adapt, integrate and upload the first 1000 Interactive 3D models prioritized on customer requests
Time frame: by June 2007

6.2 Phase 2 implementation, Launch of extended EonExperience Version 2.0 with EON I-Search (advanced 3D search), EonExperience Creator, EON Server 3D Streaming Technology 2.0 & EON Human 2.0

• Development Advanced EON I-Search Engine, see image below for details including:
o readily searchable 3D Experience objects (Search within components and EACH individual sub part of an EON Simulation is enabled)
o 3D Experience components that are re-useable as building blocks using dynamic load (*.EOP)
• EON Experience Creator is the Free 3D Content Creation tool for EonExperience that allows consumers to build their Online 3D experience fast, simple and scalable

• Connection of EonExperience with EON Visualizer and Microsoft Vista to enable real-time construction of component based 3D environments and experiences
• Adapt, integrate and upload the and deploy additional 3,000 models prioritized on customer requests
• Time frame: By Sept 2007

6.3 Phase 3 implementation: Launch of extended EonExperience with on line 3D Virtual Reality meetings capability (EON Coliseum Version 1.0)

 Advanced EON Coliseum (interactive 3D Virtual Reality online meeting) application development
 Uses the VR and Interactive 3D to bring people together from around the world to collaborate and work collectively in 3d environments that can share EonExperience content
 Adapt, integrate and upload the and deploy 30,000 models prioritized on customer requests
Time frame: By February 2008

7 Business Model

This business model for EonExperience is as follows:

• EonExperience library will both have a public area (FREE), an academic Simulation Based Learning area (Subscriber based) and a corporate catalogue specific Enterprise area (License based) connected with EON ISearch/Server/Coliseum
• There is a large Corporate demand for this service as a large portion of EON customers have requested to have their 3D catalogue on line using the simple EonExperience Library (private corporate access and for certain companies also free public access. Companies will be able to demonstrate their product on line in a collaborative mode (Coliseum) linked to Webex or GoToMeeting or even Skype
• There is a large education demand as teachers are moving from e-learning to s-learning or Simulation based learning which constitutes the state of the art in knowledge transfer for education. The demand comes from Community colleges, CTE Career and technical education & universities. The curriculum is a mix between high end flight simulator & latest 3D Experience games. Students learn faster, remember longer & resonate with what users are expecting for effective knowledge transfer (games & internet).
• Initially the Service will be promoted through EON’s network including: Eon’s 36 million Viewers, Distributors in 37 countries, EON’s partner, Eon’s 400 High end corporate customers, 180 academic institution customers and EON IDC Consortium (se attached video 9 MB)
• Based on EON’s partnership with Microsoft EonExperience aims at also being connected with PowerPoint Vista as on line 3D clips to access the larger volume market (web link)
• The High End Version of EonExperience can be connected with EON I-Presence (eye to eye contact) or ICUBE solution (to experience more).

8 Revenue Model

The suggested revenue model for EonExperience is as follows:
1. Enterprise License revenues from Global 1000 that want to publish their Interactive 3D catalogs either public or for a restricted audience (to customers or for company internal communication) consisting of:
a. Adapted EonExperiece web service ( Password protected and encrypted content option)
b. EON I-Search license (3D Search capability)
c. EON Server ( allows rapid streaming & 3d content dynamic loading & tracking)
d. EON Coliseum (on line 3D meetings capability)
2. Academic Subscription revenues from Community colleges, CTE Career and technical education that want to access Advanced Licensed Simulation Based Learning content either public or restricted (for example Stanford advanced 3D Dental Curriculum)
3. On Line Advertising Revenues (On the web site)
4. 3D Search related revenues (Google, Yahoo etc)
5. 3D Content related Revenue (Both revenues for Internal Content Creation and Commission on Syndication of 3D models)

10 Technical approach for the proposed EonExperience platform

A detailed Description and Mockup of the EonExperience website has been attached, see appendix 1. For a detailed technical description of EonExperience and the Content development plan, see separate Technical documents.

For an Overall Overview of R&D background of the EonExperience Development please see attached Product development Roadmap presentation –

11 Content and Application Development Tools

These general guidelines are followed by EON Reality when developing this project.
• The application front end will be developed inside the EON 3D window as a stand-alone application with an interface based on VB.
• All 3D content will be converted into EON’s licensed prototype format (.eoz and .eop, that can easily be updated with future product changes) utilizing EON Professional and EON Studio.
• All EON source code for the specific Interactive 3D content will be developed at Temasek polytechnic in Asia. As a part of this project so future updates can be managed directly by TP if desired.

12 Project Work Flow

Technical Requirements Specification (TRS):
This document will include all detailed technical specifications on functionality, software versions, database formats etc. The TRS will be signed off by both EON IDC Asia and PARTNER.

Interface Development:

Content Creation:
3D Content will be developed by EON and approved by PARTNER using a web-based approval system.

Database Development:
During this process EON Reality will integrate the application with a database that manages feature description, rules, pricing etc. but also saves configured products

Application Integration:

Testing and Delivery:
Once all core functionality has been created for the application a Beta Release of the application will be released internally to test all functionality and features. All bugs will be reported to EON for fixing.

Note that some items like Interface Development and Content Creation can start in parallel with other activities.

Appendix 1: Description and Mockup of the EonExperience Website, Library & Service

(See separate Document to large for this document)

Appendix 2: Technology Description and Terminology

Appendix 3:EON Software and R&D Tools

Application Software

- EON Professional
EON Professional offers a robust set of features, building on the success of EON Studio TM, designed to meet specific application needs. The software enables the highest level of photo realism with the real-time Visual Effects Features, support for many native CAD and 3D/2D formats through the CAD feature including Catia, 3DMax, Maya etc. The Physics feature allows users to simulate complex mechanical systems in real-time and the Human feature allows for integration of highly realistic moving humans into EON applications. Finally, the new SDK feature allows advanced system integrators to implement support for their software and hardware within the EON Professional framework.

- EON Server
EON Server is a modular server based service for managing large product data sets, scientific models and repositories. See also Appendix I for more information.
EON SDK is a C++ programming tool allowing for building custom run-time or design-time extension to EON Studio or Professional.

EON’s Unique Advantages:
• Scalable solution
EON Products can be updated continuously through the Internet and extended on line. Customers can select products and be able to visually configure in real-time any accessory package or color, resulting in millions of potential combinations.

• Dynamic loading and database integration
EON has the capability to provide Dynamic loading of large textures, geometries and other content data from the server. In short, complex configurations can be built without having to download all components in advance, and any parts changes can be done on the server without

modifying the configuration application. This is absolutely necessary for more sizable vehicle configurations, as it keeps the application size small for the end-user, and cost-effective to maintain and update changes. EON Server is a modular server-based solution for large 3D content and databases on the web and offline.

• Real Time Texture Mapping and Scaling
EON has a new feature of adapting textures in real-time such as mapping and scaling. This allows for enhanced design reviews in terms of packaging, surfacing etc.

• Complete 3D configuration product
EON Products provides a revolutionary approach to customers, employing a visually-driven sales configuration tool. Coupled with the integration capability, the financial estimator and quote process and customized brochure the sales process, is significantly streamlined.

• Rapid content creation tools
EON's ease of use, rapid interaction creation and re-usability provides tremendous content production cost savings. EON's content creation process utilizes a "drag and drop" approach of predefined behaviors, which explains the rapid content creation results. EON Studio is the complete development tool.

• High visual quality & detailed models
EON can render large geometry and detailed models. EON also has a proprietary advanced rendering engine (pixel and vertex shaders, reflections, shadows, environmental mapping, progressive rendering etc.).

• Support for advanced peripherals
EON automatically supports advanced peripherals such as joystick, pinch gloves, head mounted displays, voice command and control, and tracker system. This means that, for example, at an exhibit a customer will be able to interact with models in a Virtual Reality mode by either "grabbing" a car with the hands or joystick, or providing voice commands etc.

• Support for advanced multi-media
EON automatically supports video clips (.avi mpg movie etc) inside the simulation. For example, a real movie can be displayed on the DVD screen in the virtual car. EON automatically supports 3D sound, meaning that any sound will come from the correct direction, such as opening the left window while experiencing the car interior in the kiosk, the sound will come from the left speaker.

• Web solution
EON has a component base Internet solution, similar to e.g. Shockwave that utilizes a plug-in based viewer for users who are able to download and install a viewer. The installation is done once and then content can be viewed from multiple sources and applications built on EON. In case there is a software update only those components updated are replaced on the Client.

• Support for stereo displays multi-wall systems
Support for high resolution Stereo (Quad buffer) and multi wall high quality projections and stereo displays. This is possible, thanks to EON Icube, as it provides seamless publishing of high quality stereoscopic data on large screens for exhibits or product launches.

• Proven track record of large scale implementations
EON has a proven track record of creating the largest commercial 3D sales application deployments for companies such as: Office Depot, Suzuki, Tetra-Pak, Dell, Lexmark, Canon, Hon, Samsung, Shimano, Audi, Nokia etc. EON Reality provides the only solution that has all the technical features required to create an integrated, scalable, high quality 3D Sales Application.

The following major 3D formats are supported by EON software:
• 3ds max (.max)
• 3D Studio (.3ds)
• Alias (.wire, .tri)
• AutoCAD (.dwg)
• ACIS (.sat, .sab)
• Catia v5 & v4 (.model)
• Cg Material (.emt)
• Cinema4d (.c4d)
• DXF ASCII/Binary (.dxf)
• IGES v5.3 (.igs, .iges)
• Lightwave (.lw)
• Maya (.ma, .mb)
• Microstation (.dgn, .cel)
• Okino (.bdf)
• OpenFlight (.flt)
• Pro Engineer (.prt, .asm, .slp)
• Quickdraw 3D
• Rhino (.3dm)
• RPC Objects
• SoftImage (.hrc, .dsc)
• Solidworks (.sldprt, .sldasm))
• Solidedge v4 (.par)
• STEP (.stp, .step)
• Stereo Lithography .STL (.stl)
• Strata StudioPro v1.75
• TrueSpace (.cob, .scn)
• USGS DEM (.dem)
• Unigraphics (.prt)
• VRML (.wrl)

An Object/Model Library of 1,500 ready to use EON objects in the following categories are included:
• Aircraft
• Animals
• Architecture
• Computers
• Electrical
• Food
• Furniture
• Geography
• Historical
• Household
• Industrial
• Medical
• Military
• Miscellaneous
• Sci-Fi
• Sports
• Tools

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