Sunday, April 1, 2007

EON Reality General Sales Course

The Psychology of Selling

The Inner Game of Selling

• You are important: Sales personnel are the most vital person in any business. Without sales, the company shuts down.
• The 80:20 rule applies – the top 20% of sales people make 80% of the money.
• Win by a nose: In selling, you only have to be a little better and different to achieve key results and accumulate an extraordinary difference in income.
• Success is mental: It’s what’s going on in your mind as a sales person that makes all the difference.
The Inner Game of Selling…
• What determines your income depends on the self-concept as regards yourself and prospecting.
• Change your “comfort zone”: There is little difference in talent between a person who earns $100,000 per annum and one who earns $200,000 per annum. The only difference is that one has settled for the lower level and the other has refused to settle for the higher level.
• Change your mind: In order to increase your sales, you must first achieve the financial goals in your mind. Be realistic initially and aim for a 50% increase in sales,

The 7 Key Result Areas of Selling
• Prospecting – Most Important
• Building rapport - Friends
• Identifying needs - Key
• Presenting – Only the Hot Buttons
• Answering objectives - Constructive
• Closing the sales - Easy
• Getting re-sales - Farming

All these skills can be learned
Face Your Fears
• Fear and self-doubt have always been the greatest enemy to human potential.
• A person who likes himself or herself, has high self esteem and, therefore, positive self-concept.
• The more you like yourself, the more you like others.
• The more you like others, the more they like you in return.
• The more you like your customers, the more your customers like you and the more willing the are to buy from you and recommend you to their friends.

You become what you think
• The great discovery: You become what you think about most of the time.
• Happy people think happy thoughts.
• Successful people think successful thoughts.
• Loving people think loving thoughts.
• Wealthy people think wealthy thoughts.
• Successful people control their inner dialogue.
• The best time to make a sale, right after making a sale. Why? Because your self-esteem soars.
• Positive attitude and confidence will trigger desire at a sub-conscious level to buy more from you.

2 Major Obstacles to Sales Success
• Fear of failure
• Fear of rejection
• Fear and rejections: 80% of sales calls will end in a “no” for thousands of different reasons.
• If you are in sales and you fear rejection, you picked the wrong way to earn a living!

Reasons Why Customers Don’t Buy
• They have a fear of failure as they make countless buying mistakes.
• The most important thing you can do in the process of building trust and credibility is to reduce the customer’s fear to the point they have no hesitation to go ahead with your offer

An average sales person actively works approximately 1.5 hours a day with customers.

• Sales persons: Colombia University conducted a study a few years ago in that an average sales person actively works approximately 1.5 hours a day with customers.
• Why? Simple – fear of rejection.
• Rejection is not personal. All top sales personnel have reached a point where they no longer fear rejection.
• Rejection is like rain and sunshine.

The Sales Motto:
Some will – some won’t. So what?

• Never give up
• The two most fundamental qualities of success are: boldness and persistence.
• It takes courage to get up every day and constantly face the fears of failure and rejection.
• The good news is that courage is a habit. After a while, you virtually become unafraid.

80% of all sales are never closed before the fifth meeting

• It is on the fifth occasion that you ask the prospect to make a purchasing decision where you make most of your sales.
• However, it seems that only about 10% of sales people make more than five calls or attempts to close a sale.
• 48% of all sales calls end without the sales person trying to close even once.
Prospects don’t think over
• Prospects don’t think over – it is important to understand that people do not normally think over.
• The minute you walk out of the prospect’s office, he forgets you ever existed. That means “goodbye” for ever!
Making Friends
• When people feel that someone genuinely likes them, they are more open to listening to that person and to purchase what he or she is selling.
• The people you enjoying to and the people who enjoy buying from you are the people you like most and who will like you in return.
• Friendship factor is important in sales.

The Catalyst for Sales Success –Enthusiasm!
• The primary emotion for sales success is enthusiasm.
• It is this that accounts for 50% of our sales ability.
• One of the very best methods in sales is a transfer of enthusiasm, like an electrical connection, the sale takes place.
• Emotions are contagious!
• Persons are most receptive when you are positive, confident and enthusiastic about goods or services.
• They too become positive and enthusiastic.

The Catalyst for Sales Success -Willpower and Determination

• Failure is not an option.
• It is important that you back a sales offer with Willpower and Determination
• Decide now that you will not give up.
• Anyone failing sales is because they do not persist long enough or work hard enough to get their first winning experiences.
Action Exercise
• Decide today to become a totally confident sales person with high self-esteem.
• Repeat over and over to yourself “I like myself”.
• Visualise yourself continually as the very best in your business.
• The person you see is the person you will become.
• Resolve in advance that no matter what happens, you will never give up. Failure is not an option!
• Refuse to take rejection personally.
• Accept it as a normal part of the sales process, very much like the weather.
Action Exercise…
• Follow the leader in your field.
• Find out what they are doing and then do the same thing until you achieve the same results.
• Make a decision today to join the top 20% of people in your business.
• Remember, they are not smarter than you and no-one is better than you!
• Anything than anyone else has done within reason, you too can achieve.
• Take action on new ideas that can help you. Give it a try! The more things you try, the more likely you will be to succeed!
Set and Achieve all Your Sales Goals
• Your annual end-sales and income goal: Put it in writing.
• Take your highest sales year to date and increase it by about 40%-50%. That should then be your revised sales goal.
• Break that goal into monthly and weekly achievements. Then break those into daily targets.

Here’s the simple Math …..
• Let’s say your annual sales goal is $1.2 million.
• That means $100,000 per month.
• That then means in turn, $25,000 a week
• Which translates on average to one sales per week.
• Given an 80% failure rate, you would need five sales visits.
• To get five sales visits, you basically need to make 40 telephone calls a week, which translates to an average of 10 calls a day.
• That’s your goal!

You Control Your Sales Results
• By controlling your sales activities you indirectly control your sales results.
• Your results may amaze you!
• By setting daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals, you will achieve the goals far quicker than you expected.
• Many nearly trained sales people achieve this in 6-8 months.
• Once you program a goal in your sub-conscience mind, it takes on a power of its own.

You Control Your Life…
• Set 100 Personal goals!
• Get a piece of paper and write down 100 goals you would like to accomplish.
• Everything that you like in your life – personal and professional.
• Use those goals to fuel your motivation in sales.
The Number One Reason for Success
• Goal setting and commitment to achievements is the number one reason for success for all top sales people.

Visualise Your Goals as Realised
• Create a clear mental picture of the person you want to be and the goals you have accomplished.
• Use that information and visualisation everyday.
Action Exercises
• Think big!
• Set an income goal for yourself for next that is 50% more than you have previously earned.
• Determine how much of your product or service you will have to sell over this year to achieve your income goal.
• Break your income sales by month, week and day.
• Determine the activities you will have to engage in every day to earn the money you have decided on and you desire.

Action Exercises…
• Plan every day in advance and determine exactly the number of prospects you will have to call, the number of people you will have to see and the number of sales you will have to make.
• Set big and exciting goals for your family and your personal life. Make a list of 50-100 things you want to buy and do with the extra money you are going to earn.
• Make a written plan to achieve each of your goals and work on your plans every day.
Action Exercises…
• Determine the price you will have to pay in terms of additional work and sacrifice in order to achieve the most desired goals and begin paying that price.
• You too can determine what you want. You can decide on your major objective targets and make some distinctions.
Why People Buy?
• “You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him to discover it within himself”, Gallelo Galileo.
• People buy for their reasons and not for your reasons.
• The most significant part of selling is to accurately identify the needs of your prospects.
• If you fail to identify their needs accurately, the entire sales process will grind to a halt.

Basic Customer Motivation
• Every human action is aimed at improvement of some kind.
• Customers have three choices for every selling offer:
– to purchase from you;
– purchase from someone else,
– or purchase nothing.
• The customer must be substantially better off with your product or service than without it.

Emotional Values
• Trust & Credibility the most important role in a buying decision.
• The name and the reputation of the company are many times more important than the price.
• How other people feel: People are sensitive to other people in their work field and how they respond to the purchase decision.
Identifying the Needs
• You are not really in a position to sell until you have asked enough questions and listened closely to the answers.
• Once you have identified their requirements, you can structure a presentation in such a way that you can demonstrate overwhelmingly to the customer that their needs can only be satisfied by buying from you.

Does -vs.- Is
• A prospect does not care what the product is.
• He only cares about what’s in it for him /her and what your product will do for them.
The Two Major Motivations
• Desire for gain: This has a motivational factor of 1.0
• Fear of loss: Has a negative motivational power of 2.5
• The fear of loss is 2.5 times more powerful than the desire to gain.

Are you Believable?
• Consequently, believability is perhaps the single most crucial requirement in your sales presentation.
• Just imagine if a sales prospect was absolutely convinced that he would be far better off as a result of purchasing your product? And was absolutely convinced that you would stand behind a product or service 100%.

Appealing to the Customer’s Needs…
• Money: Everyone wants to have more money. Whenever your product can be linked to increasing sales or decreasing costs of training, you will have their total attention.
• Be liked: Can EON’s leading edge and high tech products achieve goals with a customer that satisfies his needs of belonging self worth?

Would you like to learn how You can:

Increase tradeshow visitor retention with over 40%?

Increase sales with 15%?

Reduce service & training costs with 30%?
Appeal to basic emotion
• Emotions distort evaluation.
• When you can appeal to basic emotion, the desire to purchase becomes so intense that concern about price becomes secondary or even irrelevant.

Soft Needs
• Convincing the prospect that they will get additional recognition by using our products or services weakens their price resistance considerably.
• Power, influence and popularity: When EON’s products and services makes a person in an organisation more influential and popular, it arouses the purchasing desire.
Leading the Field
• The fact that EON’s customers are visionary and insightful can be very helpful.
• Another one of the customer’s deep desires is to be considered up-to-date.

Buying Decisions are Emotional
• People decide emotionally and then justify it logically.
Increasing the Buying Desire While Reducing the Fear of Loss
• A good way to reduce the fear of loss is to unconditionally guarantee satisfaction with everything we sell.
• This reduces the fear of decision because they know they can return it.
• Wait to think things over: This often means that the prospect is not sufficiently persuaded that they will get what they are promising, or that they have no real desire to own and enjoy what you are selling.

Selling to Small Businesses
• Entrepreneurs have very little patience for detail.
• Focus on sales and satisfying customers.
• Interested in cashflow.
• Work to help them identify which needs that you can satisfy for their customers
Selling to Large Businesses
• Focus on what helps to improve their performance.
• You must be clear about the advantages.
• What you sell must make or save time or money – clear ROI
• Emphasise the ultimate benefits.

Covering the Basic Needs
• The key to conduct their basic needs is to ask questions skilfully and listen carefully.
• The more you ask questions and listen patiently, the more customers will be open and talk to you.
• Eventually, the customer will make a Freudian slip and blurt out what he is really thinking about at the time.
• In a way you are now a travelling sales psychologist.

Covering the Basic Needs…
• Ask open-ended questions.
• Start with a pronoun or an adverb like “what”, “where”, “when”, “how”, why” and “which”.
• These types of questions cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”.
• There is a rule – telling is not selling. People do not want to be sold. They want to buy.

A Person Who Asks Questions is in Control
• Whenever you ask a question you are in control and direct the flow of the sales conversation. This is how it should be.
• Position yourself like a friend, an advisor or a teacher and help him or her.
• If you approach every sales situation as a friend, advisor or a teacher, you will dramatically lower the stress involved in a competitive sale.
• Pause and listen: The sales takes place with words but the buying takes place in silence.

Don’t rush – be calm and relaxed.

• Allow the process to unfold in its own speed without any pressure and urgency.
• Always tell the truth.
• Think about what’s in it for the customer.
• Whatever you say to a prospect about your product or service, imagine he/she is looking at you saying “So what?” What the customer really wants to know is “What’s in it for me?” “What are the benefits for me?”

Appearance Counts a Great Deal
• 95% of the first impression you make on a customer is determined by your clothes.
• Be punctual, polite and fully prepared.
• Identify their basic and secondary needs by listening carefully to the answers.
• Focus on the customer. Put them in the spotlight rather than yourself. The more you do this, the more relaxed and confident you will become.

People don’t buy products – they buy benefits
• So focus completely on the customers benefits. Ask questions like:
– “What are you doing now in this particular area?”
– “How is interactive content working for you?”
– “What are your plans for the future in this area?”
– “If you could wave a magic wand, and have the perfect situation in this area, how would it be different from what you are currently doing?”
– “What would you have to be convinced about to go ahead with our product or any product?”

Reasons for Buying or Not
• In every sale there are key benefits that a prospect is seeking – what we call the “hot buttons”.
• Your job is to uncover the key benefits.
• At the same time, there is a key objection – it is absolutely essential that you uncover the key objection and find the answer to it to the customer’s satisfaction.
• Focus on the 20%: of the benefits of your product will achieve 80% of the buying decision.
• Your job is to find out what they are!

The “Hot Button” Close
• By asking questions and listening carefully you will find the “hot button”. The leading benefit the customer seeks in your product or your service.
• How do you uncover the hot bottom? Simply ask!
• Ask the prospect “If you were ever to purchase EON’s products at this time or in the future, what would cause you to do it at this time?” They remain completely silent “Well, if I were to buy your product, I would have to be convinced that (a) the retention level is higher with EON’s display solution, (b) that I can really increase my sales by 15%, (c) decrease my costs of support by 30%.

Fast and Cheap Market Research
• Go back to your last 10 customers and call them and say, “Mr Customer, may I ask you a question? You could have purchased this product from anyone. Why did you purchase it from us? Could you tell me exactly why you decided to buy from us rather than someone else?”
• Don’t interrupt and just listen to what they say because what comes out of their mouth is gold.

Action Exercises
• Make a list of the needs that customers have that can be met by your product.
• Prioritise your list in order of importance.
• Build your prospect list in order of selling around these needs.
• Conduct regular market research with satisfied customers.
• Find out what benefits your products offered them that resulted in the purchase from you and not from someone else.

Action Exercises…
• Determine the most important benefit your business customers is seeking and then develop a way to explain that benefit in every sales conversation.
• Identify the most significant gains or losses that your prospect could experience from either using or not using your products or services.
• Emphasise them repeatedly.

What are the 3 Most Attractive Features of Our Products?

• Interactive Sales catalogues: Visual configuration & Planning
• Exciting event marketing solutions
• Intelligent simulators and service application
What Specific Needs Does Your Customer Require for Satisfaction?
• It provides them with the capability to
• Demonstration,
• Present,
• Configure
• And thereby increase their sales, attention at trade shows and decrease the cost of service and support.

72% Increased visitor retention on trade show floor “It is like having all products in front of you and the best sales person by your side.” Michael B. Berman, Product Manager Dell

15% increase in accessory sales
“The Suzuki Sales P.R.O. is not only for sales people, the unique reports and tools will assist owners and managers with increasing salesperson performance and increasing profits." Mel Harris Vice President of Suzuki Motorcycles and ATV's

Doubled sales on line
“Sales for the products that use EON´s 3D Content solution have doubled over 12 months compared with average sales for the products that use normal pictures”. Henry Sauls, Director of Furniture Office Depot

90% cost reduction in service training
“We estimate that Korean Electric Power Institute has achieved a 90% cost reduction in training compared with alternative simulation training method. This innovative EON application provides us with a complete cost effective and safe application covering all stages of training from Plant simulation, building walkthroughs and component assembly/disassembly." Dragon White, CEO Eversoft
Action Exercises…
• Dress for success. Buy and read a book on proper business dress and then follow it so that you look like a complete professional when you visit a customer. Develop a series of open-ended questions that you use to control the sales conversation.
• Uncover the true needs of the prospect.
• Keep the light on him/her by asking and listening.
• Position yourself as a friend, an advisor and a teacher in every customer contact.
• Focus on helping and teaching rather than selling.

Creative Selling:
Three ways to facilitate creativity
• Clear goals
• Pressing problems
• Focus questioning

• Become excellent at prospecting: Spend more time with better prospects.
• This formula is the recipe for high income in every market.
You Must be Able to Answer Three Questions
• Why should someone purchase your products at all?
• Why should someone buy the products from your company?
• Why should someone buy the products from you?

What is Your Area of Excellence?
Four Keys of Strategic Selling
• There are four keys for strategic selling that you must master if you want to join the 20% of money makers.
• Specialise on market segments. You must be a specialist and not a generalist. In our case, aerospace, vehicle, industry and applications in sales and marketing and support.
• Set yourself apart – differentiate. What areas are our products better than 90% of similar products or services? Find your unique personality.

What is Your Area of Excellence?
Four Keys of Strategic Selling
• Sort out your market by segmentation. Find out exactly which customers can most benefit from what you do better than anyone else.
• Focus and concentrate. Fish for whales and not for little fish. Set your priorities and only focus on those prospects who represent the very best potential customers.
What is Your Area of Excellence?
Four Keys of Strategic Selling
• Question to the answer:
– What exactly are your customer’s qualities and characteristics?
– Who buys your products and services right now? Educational, industrial and vehicle?
– Who will be your future customers? Aerospace, industrial, medical.
– What are the trends in your business and the market? Experienced-based games, China becomes the manufacture hub and the US becomes more of a marketing & service society.
What is Your Area of Excellence?
Four Keys of Strategic Selling
– What markets might be there for your products or services?
– Address the changing role of the US and Europe.
– Why help China to leapfrog?
– Why does your customer buy visual configuration interaction increasing sales and decreasing cost for support?
– Who and what is your competitor? See separate list.

What is Your Area of Excellence?
Four Keys of Strategic Selling

• Find out when customers buy in the time cycle and what triggers buying behaviour.
• Some people are impulsive – 5%-10% are like that.
• Others, like the slow majority, 2-4 years after the product is proven.
• We also have some mature clients who only buy when the product is just about to be out of the the market.
• Often a client will only purchase as a result of recommendation.
Two Questions to Ask a Prospect
• What would have to happen before you go ahead with the software?
• What would you have to be convinced about to buy this product or service?
Quotes from new customers
• Use testimonial letters & quotes – they help a lot.
• Get quotes from new customers: this is essential.
– Look at our improved testimonials in the EON presentation.
– What kind of objections from the prospect with the testimonials.
– Answer the objection with the text of the letter such as price etc.
Personal Recommendation is the best advantage

• 85% of all sales take place only after someone has said that the product service is good.
• Be sure to ask your satisfied customers why they decided to buy from us.
– What specific value did they benefit from?
– How could we improve in the future for you?
– What kind of customer do you feel could most benefit from our products?
– Is there anything special that our product does that the customer did not expect when they purchased?
• Never be afraid to ask.

Practice Brainstorming Regularly
It’s called the 20 Ideas Method
• How could I double my income over the next 12 months?
– Set up 20 ideas.
– Be clear and concrete.
– Write them down in personal, positive, present tense ie: I make five extra sales calls each day.
– Write a minimum of 20 answers to those problems and then go back to the list and implement at least one idea immediately.
– Do it straightaway and without delay – this is very important.

Key to Wealth
• Nightengale said that he became wealthy by using the 20 idea method every day.
• By developing 20 ideas every day, it might get you on average up to more than 250 good ideas each year that are worth implementing.
Action Exercises
• You are genius. Resolve today that you will use more creativity to solve any problems and overcome obstacles.
• Write your most important goal at the top of a page in the form of a question.
• Write 20 answers and take action on at least one of them. Do it every day.
• Identify your areas of excellence and superiority in your products or services.
• Determine why customers buy from you.
Action Exercises
• Where are your best concentrations of prospective customers.
• Seek to differentiate your products in a meaningful way.
• Find out why people buy your products.
• Get written testimonial letters.
• Show these letters to every prospect.
• Get in more appointments.

Process of Prospecting –
Spend more time with better prospects
• Once you find a list of prospects (see separate list) you have to contact them.
• This is the most important part of selling and you must master it.
• Sell the appointment not the product.
• Never talk about the price of the product on the phone unless you can actually complete the sales on the phone.
• Details of the product at this stage will kill the sales & meeting.

Spend more time with better prospects
Process of Prospecting
• Choose your words carefully. Your first words should be equivalent to throwing a brick through a glass window. You need to get their complete attention.
• The emphasis should always be that the results will benefit the prospect and not mention the product itself.
• Demonstrate the benefits.

How it’s Done
• Start with a good opening with strong questions aimed at the result of the benefits of your products.
• “Would you like to increase your sales by 15%?” “Would you like to bring your products to life at event marketing and increase the retention by more than 40%?”
• “Would you like to virtually see all your products float in space and grab them with your bare hands and have a catalogue at your fingertips?”

How it’s Done
• You need to get the prospect to say, “Really? How do you do that?”
• Your time is limited – you have about 30 seconds at the beginning of your meeting to get the prospect’s full attention.
• The first 15-25 words of your meeting will set the tone for the rest of your conversation.
• Plan it word-for-word. You should plan exactly what you are going to say.
• You want to get a reaction like “Really? What is it?”

• “Mr Prospect, I was wondering if you were interested in a proven method that can increase your sales by 15% over the next 12 months.”
• “Mr Prospect, I was wondering if you were interested in proven method that could increase your retention level at event trade shows by over 40% over the next 12 months?”
• “Mr Prospect, I was wondering if you would be interested in a proven method that would decrease your service costs by 30%?”
• Almost every prospect would respond with “Of course, what’s that?”, “Yes really? How do you do that?”
• Then you respond by saying, “That’s exactly why I am calling. I just need 10 minutes of your time to show you this system and then you can decide for yourself if it applies to your company or your sales people.”

Prospect Response
• Initial resistance is normal. If the prospect says, “Well, I am not really interested” – this means either that your question was not strong enough or that this is not the prospect for you in the first place.
Neutralise Initial Sales Resistance
• Let’s say the customer says, “Thanks for calling but I am not interested” or “We are not really in the market at the moment”.
• Don’t give up so easily. The prospect has no idea how good your product really is.
• You say, “That’s alright, most people in your industry felt the same way when I first called them. I remember Boeing and Cessna saying this, and now they have become our best customers and they have recommended us to their friends.

Neutralise Initial Sales Resistance
• “Oh really?”, says Mr Prospect, “What is it then?”.
• “That’s exactly what I want to speak with you about and I just need ten minutes of your time to explain. You can then decide yourself if it’s right for you”.
• “Well can you explain a little more on the phone now?”, says Mr Prospect.
• “Mr Prospect, I would love to tell you more about it on the phone, but I have something I have to show you. You have to see it personally.”

Neutralise Initial Sales Resistance
• That then triggers the powerful emotion of curiosity. “Would Tuesday afternoon or some time during the day on Wednesday be convenient for you?” Give him two options.
• Mr Prospect asks, “Could you send me something in the mail instead?”
• “I would love to mail you something Mr Prospect, but you have to see this in person. Why don’t I drop it off personally on Tuesday afternoon? I will be in the area. Would you be available then?”
Neutralise Initial Sales Resistance
• “Alright, why don’t you call me on Monday and we will see if we can arrange a meeting next week?” says Mr Prospect.
• “Mr Prospect, I have my diary in front of me now – do you have your schedule to hand? Would 3pm on Tuesday be convenient for you? If something comes up and it doesn’t work, you can call me.”
• “OK I’ll see you on Tuesday at 3pm”, says Mr Prospect.
• “Thank you. You are really going to like what I am going to show you.”

Which needs are prioritized?

Increase your trade show visitor retention with over 40%?
- EON ICatcher - 49k

Increase your sales with 15%?
- EON Sales Assistant 29k

Reduce your service & training costs with 30%?
- EON Professional 29k
Face to Face with the Prospect
• Your first selling task is to get the prospect to listen to you.
• The prospect wants to make sure you have something important to communicate. You have sell with the first sentence.
• You have to make sure that you are speaking with the right person.
• The prospect wants to make sure that your visit is brief. People are extremely busy.
• The prospect wants to make sure that he/she will be under no obligation or pressure. That’s why you need to say “Judge for yourself”.

Face to Face with the Prospect
• The fear of being pressurised or the fear of being taken advantage is not comfortable.
• Begin with a well structured question. Also ask the questions and remain in control.
• “Would you like to see a proven method that will increase your sales by 15%-20% per annum?” “Yes, what is it?”, asks Mr Prospect. “I will need about 25 minutes of your time to show you what I have, and then you can judge for yourself.” Refer to other happy customers. “Other companies in your industry like Boeing, Suzuki, Cessna and Audi, are already using this product with very good results.”

Face to Face with the Prospect
• The credibility. Hundreds of companies are already using the process and reaping the rewards.
• Be professional, pleasant, positive and persistent.
• Always confirm the appointment. One way of not being rejected, is to call the prospect’s secretary and confirm the appointment, using specific details of day, time and venue.
• Improve on the telephone prospecting. Stand up when you speak. Smile when you are on the telephone – that provides great energy and sincerity.
• Keep the initiative – never expect people to call you back, no matter how honest or intelligent they sound.

Face to Face with the Prospect
• Practice with a mental rehearsal.
• Relax, be calm and positive, smile and be completely in control.
• Stage the setting immediately.
• Shake hands firmly and say “Thank you very much for your time. You are really going to enjoy what I have to show you.”

Action Exercise
• Determine the number of prospects you will call each day and every week to achieve the sales goal.
• Spend 80% of your time prospecting until you have enough people to see so that you don’t have time to call anyone else.
• Write out your script for your telephone prospects, memorise and practice it continuously until it sounds natural and relaxed.
• Ignore initial sales resistance from your prospect.
Action Exercise
• Focus on the result or benefit of what you sell and refer to other happy customers.
• Keep the initiative. Nail down the exact date and time of your first appointment.
• Refuse to talk about a product price or a service price on the telephone. Focus only on getting a face-to-face meeting. Nothing more.
• Prepare thoroughly for every sales meeting. Do your homework on the internet if possible. Look like an absolute professional when you meet prospects.
The Power of Suggestion
• The suggested influence of a calm, confident and relaxed person is very powerful.
• You need to be well dressed, well groomed and professional looking in every aspect.
• As a top salesperson, you have a calming, soothing effect on the customer.

Your Internal Environment
• Appearance, voice and attitude.
• Upbeat and confident.
• Dressed for success.
• 95% of a first impression is clothing.
• The visual impact of your wardrobe strikes prospects like a wave hitting a breakwater and exerts a strong subconscious on the prospect.
Friendship Factor
• A person will not buy from another person until he/she is convinced that they are friends or that the salesperson is acting in his best interest. He will ask subconsciously, “Do you care about me?”
• People are highly visual – what they see has an enormous impact on their opinion of you.
• Practice your presentation until it is crisp and well ordered.
Walk to talk

• Upgrade your office to look professional.
• Work from a clean desk. People who work on a clean desk are 2 or 3 times more productive than those who work on cluttered desks.
• Walk to talk. Body language is very important. 55% of a sales presentation is body language. 38% is vocal (phone or face-to-face). 7% makes up the actual words you use.
• Shake hands firmly and fully.
• Sit upright and facing forward.
Positive body language
• Always face the prospect directly.
• Never lean against the back of the chair – that makes you look uncaring about the purpose of your visit.
• Folded arms are a negative sign normally. Get the prospect to unfold them by asking questions.
• Use positive body language. “Mirror and match” is the name of the process whereby the prospect tends to mimic your own body language.
Physical barriers

• Avoid any physical barriers between you and the prospect during your presentation.
• Make sure the prospect is on the left side of your computer.
• Always be polite and wait to be asked to take a seat.

Action Exercise
Everything Counts
• Take complete control of all the senses: what the prospect sees, hears and does.
• Visualise yourself as the doctor of selling – a world class professional.
• Dress for success. Patent your wardrobe on the most successful and highest paid people in the business.
• Be courteous with everyone you meet: from the receptionist to the Managing Director.

Action Exercise
Everything Counts
• Practice your mental rehearsal before every sales call. Be calm, in control, optimistic and completely relaxed.
• Do everything to avoid noise and distractions.
• Stand tall, chin up and shake hands firmly and confidently. Carry yourself like one of the best in your field.
Making the Sales
Method 1: The Approach Sales
• “Mr Prospect, thank you very much for your time. Please relax. I am not here to sell you anything right now. That is not the purpose of this visit. All I want to do in the time we have together is to show you some of the reasons why so many other people have bought EON’s products, and still continue to buy them. All I ask from you is to look at what I have to show with an open mind and determine whether or not it applies to your situation and tell me at the end of the conversation whether or not this product makes sense to you. Is that fair?”
Making the Sales
Method 1: The Approach Sales
• “Yes, that’s fair enough”, says Mr Prospect. “What you are saying is that you won’t try and sell me anything and in exchange I will listen with an open mind.”
• At the end of the presentation, you will have a psychological advantage. Ask for an answer. If the prospect says, “Well, I have to think it over” you respond by saying “Well, Mr Prospect, I appreciate that but you promised you would tell me one way or another if this applies to your situation or not. After what you have told, it seems that this is ideal for you at this time unless there is something else that I do not understand.”

Making the Sales
Method 2 : The Demonstration Close
• “Mr Prospect, I could show you that our solution will increase your sales by 15%-20%, would you be in a position to invest $30,000? Or if you really like it, would you invest $60,000 with me?”
• “I don’t think I have $30,000.”
• “Well, could you invest $25,000 if it was the best investment you have ever seen?”
• By getting to this stage, you qualify your prospect and how much money he/she has.
• He might respond “If you can show me a way to increase my sales by 15%-20%, I could make a decision immediately.”

Different Personality of Sales
The Apathetic Buyer
• Only 5%
• He/She is never going to buy anything.
• They are often pessimistic, cynical and depressed.
• Even if you offer an apathetic buyer something worth $100 for only $5, he/she would still not take it.
• They are wasting your time.
• Move on to someone else who is likely to buy.

The Self Actualising Buyer
• They also make up 5% of the buyers.
• He knows exactly what he wants, exactly what features and exactly what price they want to pay.
• If you have what they want, they will take it immediately.
• These types of buyers are rare.
The Analytical Buyer
• 25%
• They are quite concerned about detail and accuracy.
• Normally they are an accountant, engineer, banker or financial person.
• First, slow down and be exact.
• Avoid generalisation.
• Be specific.
• Be prepared to prove on paper everything you say.

The Analytical Buyer
• The more detail you give about your product, what it costs, how it performs etc, the happier they will be.
• They are slow to make up their minds.
• They need to reflect and analyse.
• They have far more concern about making the correct decision than about saving money and speeding up the transaction.
The Relationship Orientated Buyer
• 25%
• Slow down and relax.
• They are concerned about people.
• Typical types include teachers, doctors, nurses and social workers.
• They need to be liked.
• They like harmony and happiness.
• Focus on other happy customers.
• Build the relationship.
• Do not rush them.

The Driver Buyer
• Normally directors, entrepreneurs, sales managers.
• They are direct, impatient and want to get straight to the point.
• They want results.
• Do not like small talk.
• They want to get to a “Yes” or “No” decision.
• Busy and pre-occupied.
• Answer their question “What’s in it for me?”
• They need to understand clearly the benefits.

The Socialized Buyer
• Typically supervisors, executive managers.
• They are achievement orientated.
• They usually agree too quickly and do not remember details.
• You will need to put everything down on paper.

Different Strokes for Different Folks
• Adapt your sales style by using personal flexibility.
• For the “relationship buyer”, you need to slow down and ask a lot of questions. Focus on relationship.
• For the “analytical buyer”, you must slow down and concentrate on details.
• For the “director types” you must be straight to the point.
• For the “socialize buyer” you must be positive and open.
• Take time to observe and analyse the prospect before you start to sell, so you know what type of character you are dealing with.

The Way to Sell Intangible products
• Ask questions and listen carefully.
• Never discuss your product until you have established the friendship factor.
• It might take 3 or 4 times before you can ask about business seriously, because it is a more complex product.
• Begin with an opening question.
• Present one feature benefit.
• Identify the one feature that will have the greatest interest to your prospect.
Discover the “hot button”, conclude the sale

• Once you discover the “hot button”, conclude the sale.
• “Wow, that’s great. I’ve never seen that before. We need to have something like that around here. How long would it take to have something like that delivered here?”
• When this happens, you can ask for the order immediately. You do not need to continue any further. You ask how soon they need it and close the sale.

Some sales people are reluctant to bring a transaction to a close
• Many sales are unnecessarily delayed because sales people are reluctant to bring a transaction to a close.
• Selling intangible products is different.
• You use the two-step sales approach.
• During the first visit you determine the benefits of your products and then you follow up with a proposal.

The Presentation
• The simplest process is to focus on benefits.
• Show, tell and ask questions.
• Show the prospect the software on the computer.
• Tell the prospect how the software can improve their business.
• Finally, ask the question “Would this be helpful for your business?”
• Use the presentation by asking rhetorical questions.
100% of sales are emotional.
• 100% of sales are emotional.
• The price comes last.
• If the prospect asks about the price during your presentation, respond by saying “This is a good question. I am going to get to that in a moment.”
• Listen actively and avoid interruption.
• Imagine that there are sun lamps you want to give your prospect for a face tan.
• Pause before responding – let 3-5 seconds pass first.

There are 22 times more nerves from the eye to the brain than from the ear to the brain.

• Question clarification – “It costs too much. We can’t afford it.” “How do you mean? “We are happy with our existing supplier.” “How do you mean.” “We don’t have the budget.” “How do you mean?” etc
• The more the prospect talks and moves during a sales presentation, the more likely they are to buy.
• Visual aids are a must. There are 22 times more nerves from the eye to the brain than from the ear to the brain.
• The average attention span for an adult is about 3 sentences.
• Telling is not selling.
• Take every important piece of information that you have and rephrase it as a question.
Final Close
• “Do you like this application?”
• “No, I hate it. It is the worst application I have seen.”
• “No problem. We have lots of other applications that I will show you later.”
• Ask for feedback.
• “Does it make sense so far? Is it what you had in mind? Do you like what I have shown you? What would be your improvements? Are we right so far?”
Talk Past a Sales Closing
Create exciting pictures.

• “You are going to like this type of EON service that you will get from our company. When you place an order, it is confirmed within 90 minutes and then in three days you will have the software in your possession.”
• Create exciting pictures.
• “You become Tom Cruise in Minority Report, you will have all the VIRTUAL PRODUCTS at your fingertips to have all your products and interact with them as if they were there.
Action Exercise
• Plan every sales presentation in advance.
• Ask trial closing questions.
• Invite feedback.
• Take time to determine the buyer’s personality style.
• Practice flexibility with your prospects.
• Create emotional pictures of how happy your prospect would be by owning the product.

Action Exercise
• Design each part of the presentation to show, tell and ask questions.
• Become an excellent listener.
• Ask questions.
• Listen without interrupting.
• Pause before responding and feed it back in your own words to show that you fully understood the prospect.
Make a decision today to become one of the very best sales persons in your industry.

• Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning.
• Read books and listen to audio programmes.
• Attend seminars.
• Manage your time well.
• Do what you love to do.
• Throw your whole self into your work.
• Resolve in advance what you are going to do to become a great success.
Here are the Keys to your Sales life
• Sit down immediately and make a list of the 10 goals you would like to achieve over the next 12 months.
• Work all the time with these goals in mind
• Start early.
• Work hard.
• Stay later.
• Pay the price of success in advance.
• Live a full life!

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