Sunday, April 1, 2007

EON Culture

A New Beginning
The steps
To success..

Challenges and opportunities

• Sales & Cash flow tough – getting better
• RecessioninIT-now isthe time to grow
•Too few stars-lets grow some more
• Long term vision not well communicated-keep it
clear, simple and customer centric

• Lack of great idea flow-introduce think tank and
open atmosphere
• Not fun enough –start celebrating even the
small victories
• Self-confidence not on top-we are the best in
this market
• Not enough mind share-release the inner
passion, chemistry & idea flow

What we want to be is


• PASSIONATE – committed to make
things happen

• OPEN –for new ideas from anywhere
• POSITIVE –make business
productive and fun
with lots of “runaway” growing with
the company to new levels

What we all will be measured on

• ENERGY – personal energy, deal with
the speed of change
• ENERGIZE –creatingan atmosphere
that energize others around common
• EDGE – ability to take difficult
decisions fast
• EXECUTE – consistently deliver on

Rate your selves and your colleagues on the following criteria's 1-5

on the following criteria's 1--5

• ENERGY -____________
• ENERGIZE – ______________
• EDGE – ______________
• EXECUTION – _______________
• PASSION – ________________
• CUSTOMER FOCUS -_______________
• QUALITY -_______________

Our EON culture

• Passionately focused on driving customer
• Search and apply the best ideas regardless of
their sources
• Global approach to business, build diverse
• Actively look for change and growth
opportunity offered
•A clear, simple customer centric vision
• Culture of “stretch” always challenge the limits
• Encourage informality – trust, reward
• Have fun – celebrate results
• Honesty and Integrity

How does it feel to work with EON?

• Wild, fun
• Never a dull moment
• Over the top, hard work
• Outrageous, crazy
• Passion
• Perpetual motion
•Strong friendships
• Celebrations
• Rewards
• Impossible targets – that we meet
•Crises and pressure – that we solve
•Lots a swings – a few home runs
•The pain of losing
•The trill of winning
•Great travel – meeting many interesting
•Groundbreaking innovations and exiti
•Seeing things happen – creating
something from scratch

Advise for you that what to become one of our Key Partners

• SET THE TONE – your personal intensity
will determine your organization intensity
• INTEGRITY –be straight, inspire trust, good
GAME – utilize the best ideas, transfer them
across the organization
Get the right people (Stars) on the right job


• Informality liberates
• Titles don’t matter
• Passion, chemistry & idea flow matters
• Informality atmosphere is a competitive
• Everybody counts
• Every body knows they count
• Everybody is welcome



• Arrogance is a killer
• Legitimate self confidence is a winner
• Courage to be open, welcome the
• New ideas are welcome regardless of
their sources
•Be comfortableinyourskin


• This quality defines a A-Partner
• Intensity & Passion covers a lot of sins
•Winners CARE more than anyone else
• No deal is to small to sweat or to large
to dream
• Passion doesn’t mean load, it comes
from deep inside
• Great organizations ignite passion


• Stretch is reaching for more than you
thought possible
• Getting the ambitious annual budget,
breakthrough technology solutions is
among the best stretches
• NEVER stop stretching


• Business has to be fun
• Celebrate even the smallest victories
• For too many its “just a job”
• Appoint a celebration master
•Have fun – while being productive
• Are you celebrating enough?
• Goout for example each Fridays at 4.30

Aligning rewards with measurements

• What we measure is what we get
• What we reward is what we get
• By not aligning measurements & results
you often get what you are not asking

Differentiation develops a great organization

• Differentiation is Keyto build agreat
•Use the Vitality Curve
• Continually upgrade the team
• Weed the worst performers
• Reward the best performers
• Differentiation is hard
– If you find it easy – You are not a good
– If you cant do it – You are not a good

Owning the team

• You own the business, you are renting
the people
• Makesurethat you look after the
peoples development, rewards and
•Build NEW great leaders
• Never give up on the best ones

Appraisal all the time

•It is like breathing
• Let always people know where you stand
• Handwritten note every year

Culture counts

•Set the culture straight on
day one
• Resisters have to leave quickly
•Can not have multiple cultures
• In our shop there is only ONE currency:
Our stock and Our values


• Respond quickly to to changes as they occur
• Strategy has to be dynamic and anticipatory
• Five questions:
– Global position of our business
• Market share
• Strengths by product line
• Strength by region
– What actions have competitors taken in the past 2 years to alter the
– What actions have we taken in the past 2 years to alter the landscape
– What are you most afraid of that competitors will do in the next 2 years
to change the landscape
–What are you going to do in the next 2 years to change the landscape


• Never underestimate
the other guy..

The field

• Spend at least a third of your
time in the field
• Be in the field meet the customers, see
what is really going on
• Validate your slides in front of the customer

Initiatives vs. tactics

•Have a few initiatives
– Smart content – Digital Replica
– Standard Templates
– Bounderless publishing – 100% customer acces
– Global approach
• Initiatives live for ever
• Short term tactical moves are necessary to
energize and revitalize
– Provide solutions for early adopters


• Outrageous champion of everything we
– Customer focus
– Cashflow positive drive
– Get customer deliveries in time
– Employ more stars
• Repeat it over and over, never stop saying
it, be “over the top”

Upgrading or filling a function

• For example
– VP marketing
– Partner Director
– University Sales Director
• Once you get an energized leader in place
ideas float like water and results come
soon thereafter


•We are not going fast enough
•We are not acting fast enough
• Never hold off on a decision
• I wish we make decisions faster

Vitality Curve


•Top 20 – love them, reward them
•The vital 70 –improve to become top 20
•Bottom 10–they havetoleave

•Top 20
• salary increase 2-3 times more than Vital 70
• additional stock options Yes
• promotions -Yes
Bottom 10


How to measure us


Forget the zeros -small is beautiful

small is beautiful

• Size is always a problem – works against
the creation of an energizing atmosphere

of :

– Agility
– Speed
– Ease of communications
– High spirited, energized

Lets work this out, while having fun!!

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